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TextBelt Alternatives
Similar projects and alternatives to TextBelt
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TextBelt discussion
TextBelt reviews and mentions
- Send and receive SMS with a clean, simple API
- Send Text Messages via Email
- API to send SMS messages
Automated texting using google voice?
I doubt you'll find a free SMS texter. Textbelt seems to be low-hassle and open-source. There's an option for standing up your own server to make it "free". I'd look into email options as well. It looks like most carriers support some kind of email-to-text path.
Ways to code notifications into your Python scripts?
I use paid service (also is there), they have standard plugin for many languages.
Elixir and SMS tutorial
# Path: lib/sms_demo/sms_handler.ex defmodule SmsDemo.SmsHandler do use GenServer def send_message(to_phone, message) do GenServer.cast(SmsDemo.SmsHandler, {:send, {to_phone, message}}) end def receive_message(from_phone, message) do GenServer.cast(SmsDemo.SmsHandler, {:receive, {from_phone, message}}) end def start_link(_) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end def init([]) do {:ok, %{}} end def handle_cast({:send, {phone, message}}, state) do textbelt_url = "" textbelt_key = Application.get_env(:sms_demo, :textbelt_key) replyWebhookUrl = Application.get_env(:sms_demo, :webhook_url) params = %{ phone: phone, message: message, key: textbelt_key, replyWebhookUrl: replyWebhookUrl }, Poison.encode!(params), [{"Content-type", "application/json"}]) {:noreply, state} end def handle_cast({:receive, {phone, message}}, state) do # TODO: Do something with the message {:noreply, state} end end
Using TextBelt SMS with Elixir
I was recently introduced to the SMS service TextBelt which is a pre-pay and simplified service to provide the ability to send and receive SMS messages from code.
Does SAAS arbitrage even work?
I was looking into some side project ideas and stumbled upon one called textbelt where the guy uses something like twilio in the backend and sell 10x per SMS. It is kinda arbitrage for SaaS products. This guy is legit and also has 5 to 10K $ per month stripe verified indiehackers project. More over he doesn’t even promote his product and moved on. Yet this is so popular enough to bring in 5k a month. Do you guys think its possible to reinvent something like this and promote to make a worthwhile side project ?
You can look into this:
Environmental Monitoring Solutions
Can your monitoring system run shell scripts and curl in response to events? If so you could use a service like Textbelt to send SMS messages from it.
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 7 Oct 2024
typpo/textbelt is an open source project licensed under MIT License which is an OSI approved license.
TextBelt is marked as "self-hosted". This means that it can be used as a standalone application on its own.
The primary programming language of TextBelt is JavaScript.