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a react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package
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rebass discussion
rebass reviews and mentions
- Top 23 React UI Component Libraries for Your Next Project🚀
Comparing React Component Libraries
If you are a fan of Styled System, you are sure to love this library, as it was built on top of Styled System. I consider Rebass to be the most unopinionated library on the list, as unlike Material Ui, Semantic UI, and Bootstrap, its components do not come with a default theme, giving you the freedom to add your preferred theme to your application. Its styles are also much easier to override. Rebass is minimalist and was designed with style extension in mind.
What is Rebass and How to provide theming to Rebass Components? ⚛️
Rebass is a simple React UI component library that allows you to create primitive UI components using the Styled System library. With Rebass, you can get started with your design system without having to write a lot of boilerplate code. Emotion, Styled Components, and Styled System are used to create Rebass, a themeable primitive UI component library for React. Because it is designed with Styled System, any Styled System theme object should work with Rebass. Rebass components include a standardized style props API to create larger component libraries.
21 Best React Component Libraries To Try In 2021
Nowadays, web development has evolved from the complex work of customizing CSS and HTML to dynamic components where styling is mostly auto-generated with the use of libraries. Rebass is one of the best grid libraries that provides UI components, leaving the developer to focus only on page development. It has more than 7.3k stars and 580 forks on GitHub.
Backstage on the revamp of our Admin to become #1 on PH and GitHub Trending
Previously, we used Rebass to implement the design of the admin portal. For the new admin, we started using Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework that lets you focus on creating reusable and beautiful components. In addition, we used RadixUI to use prebuilt components like Modals.
What's the best React UI component library for Next.js in 2022?
- If you like tailwind/windicss and just need some helpers for interactive elements: \@headlessui/react - If you're dealing with a fuckload of different data types and need to display them all a bit differently with a dashboard: primereact - If you like having a metric ton of utility with your ui library: mantine - You're building extremely data heavy applications and want a compact plug-and-play component library: blueprint - If you like emotion styling and more of a 'lego pieces' approach than full components, and are okay with a very opinionated design system: chakra - You like the 'lego pieces' approach and want to build your own design system from the ground up without much external influence: rebass
[Gatsby] - This was my first Gatsby project
There's absolutely nothing wrong with using CSS mixed with your components, but I would suggest (if you haven't already) looking into some alternatives, such as styled-components or Rebass. Not because one is "better" than the other, but it's something to add to your arsenal
Best UI Frameworks for React.js
More info
- 20 Awesome React Component libraries to try in 2021
- 5 React.js UI Component libraries.
A note from our sponsor - InfluxDB | 9 Sep 2024
rebassjs/rebass is an open source project licensed under MIT License which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of rebass is JavaScript.