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Nvim-colorizer.lua Alternatives
Similar projects and alternatives to nvim-colorizer.lua
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A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config
Discontinued improve neovim lsp experience [Moved to:] (by glepnir)
Discontinued hexokinase.vim - (Neo)Vim plugin for asynchronously displaying the colours in the file (#rrggbb, #rgb, rgb(a)? functions, hsl(a)? functions, web colours, custom patterns)
nvim-colorizer.lua discussion
nvim-colorizer.lua reviews and mentions
Ultimate Neovim Setup Guide: lazy.nvim Plugin Manager
norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua: Color highlighter.
Astronvim - changing default plugin configs
I'm new to neovim and want to change the default config options for colorizer.lua.
Need help displaying colors in C files. I have the vim-css-color plugin but that doesn't seem to work in C
Even though we're on r/vim, many people here actually use Neovim, so I have to ask: do you have tree-sitter? If so, you need to enable the additional_vim_regex_highlighting option of the highlight module in nvim-treesitter since vim-css-color depends on Vim's syntax highlighting rather than Neovim's. An alternative would be to use a Neovim plugin that does the same thing with tree-sitter support – e.g nvim-colorizer (I haven't tested it at all).
- Highlight manager
A plugin requires having termguicolors on
It's nvim-colorizer if that would help.
🎨 Colortils.nvim: Work with colors in neovim 🔧
- Is there a way to replace something like colorizer with your plugin?
My Neovim setup for React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, etc
norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua - A high-performance color highlighter
Highlight Colors in your editor with nvim-highlight-colors
I've been using
Introducing color-picker.nvim - a plugin that lets Nvim users choose & modify colors
Are you sure about the name? I could not find any vim or neovim plugin called 'colorstil'. The closest google suggestion is this one
Syntax highlighting issues
I'm using nvim-colorizer and sometimes that happens, :e forces the buffer to re-render which fixes it.
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 24 Jan 2025
norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua is an open source project licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 or later which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of nvim-colorizer.lua is Lua.
Popular Comparisons
- nvim-colorizer.lua VS one-nvim
- nvim-colorizer.lua VS vim-css-color
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- nvim-colorizer.lua VS vim-hexokinase
- nvim-colorizer.lua VS nvim-colorizer.lua
- nvim-colorizer.lua VS auto-pairs
- nvim-colorizer.lua VS coloresque.vim
- nvim-colorizer.lua VS todo-comments.nvim