
Higher-level data structures built on Redis (by rails)

Kredis Alternatives

Similar projects and alternatives to kredis

NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a better kredis alternative or higher similarity.

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kredis reviews and mentions

Posts with mentions or reviews of kredis. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2023-05-09.
  • Mastering Kredis in Ruby: Your Essential Guide
    1 project | | 9 Apr 2024
    This is where Kredis, a Redis client for Ruby, comes into play, offering a powerful and efficient caching solution.
  • solder VS kredis - a user suggested alternative
    2 projects | 9 May 2023
  • Could not detect rake tasks
    6 projects | /r/rails | 3 May 2023
    # Use the Puma web server [] gem "puma", "~> 5.0" # Build JSON APIs with ease [] # gem "jbuilder" gem 'rack-cors' gem "devise" gem "jsonapi-serializer" gem 'devise-jwt' gem 'active_model_serializers' gem 'followability' gem 'dotenv-rails', groups: [:development, :test, :production] gem 'sprockets' # Use Redis adapter to run Action Cable in production # gem "redis", "~> 4.0" # Use Kredis to get higher-level data types in Redis [] # gem "kredis" # Use Active Model has_secure_password [] # gem "bcrypt", "~> 3.1.7" # Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem gem "tzinfo-data", platforms: %i[ mingw mswin x64_mingw jruby ] # Reduces boot times through caching; required in config/boot.rb gem "bootsnap", require: false # Use Active Storage variants [] # gem "image_processing", "~> 1.2" # Use Rack CORS for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible # gem "rack-cors" group :development, :test do # See gem "debug", platforms: %i[ mri mingw x64_mingw ] end group :development do gem "sqlite3", "~> 1.4" # Speed up commands on slow machines / big apps [] # gem "spring" end group :production do gem 'pg' end
  • Getting Started Upstash Redis with Rails
    2 projects | | 30 Dec 2022
    Now the connection is complete, back to our use case where we want to save the onboarded status for each user. We will use kredis in this case to make our life easier by connecting redis database to the application model. Open the user model app/models/user.rb and then add the kredis_boolean attribute because the type we need is a boolean.
  • How to create middleware in your Rails application
    3 projects | | 27 Jul 2022
    In rate_limited? the method request_counter is called which brings us to the part where Kredis is used. We use Kredis to initialize a counter in Redis. Kredis 'instantiates' the value from Redis. In other words, when you call Kredis.counter("mykey") we have an object that points to a Redis value under mykey. On that object we can call #increment which increments the current value in Redis. As you can see we check if the Redis key exists so that we can decide to use the call with expires_in. Each time you call #counter with expires_in, the expire timer resets. We don't want that because then the key will never expire. Checkout the Kredis docs for more information about Kredis.
  • Using Turbo Streams with Kredis
    3 projects | | 23 Jul 2022
    Let's anwser those questions by making a simple live counter with Turbo Streams and Kredis.
  • Storing a hash in Redis SET
    1 project | /r/rails | 14 Apr 2022
    Would Kredis be helpful?
  • Toggling views with Kredis and Turbo Frames
    2 projects | /r/rails | 11 Mar 2022
    Didn't know about `kredis_hash` I didn't look too hard at the gem when it was announced. Looks like there's more too, how convenient:
  • Toggling view layouts with Kredis, Turbo Frames, and Rails
    4 projects | | 7 Mar 2022
    Kredis is a new gem that makes it easier to work with Redis keys in Ruby on Rails. Kredis was added a suggested gem for new Rails applications starting with the release of Rails 7.0 in December of 2021 and is likely to become a larger force in the Rails world in the coming years.
  • Displaying large amounts of temporary data
    1 project | /r/rails | 5 Mar 2022
    kredis readme
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 4 Oct 2024
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more →


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