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Ko Alternatives
Similar projects and alternatives to ko
The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
Discontinued Gitness is an Open Source developer platform with Source Control management, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. [Moved to:]
Lean and Mean Docker containers
Slim(toolkit): Don't change anything in your container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source)
A solution for implementing efficient and consistent software delivery to Kubernetes facilitating best practices.
Pomerium is an identity and context-aware reverse proxy for zero-trust access to web applications and services.
ko discussion
ko reviews and mentions
Fixing ko local image publishing on MacOs
I still use Docker desktop to run containers on my MacBook Air. I know there's Colima but have no time to switch and deal with the consequences. I also recently started using ko for containerizing my Go apps.
Distroless container images with Apko from Chainguard
Apko leverages the APK package format from Alpine and draws inspiration from ko, a fast container image builder for Go applications.
What is the most common approach to configure a backend app?
- There're many resources available about containerizing an application, but I suggest you buildpacks or ko, which doesn't require writing a Dockerfile
Tool to build Docker images
- how to create container for Kubernetes?
Golang Backend in Production
You don't need to write and manage Dockerfiles. Simply just use ko: (You also don't need Docker Engine)
How to containerize your Go app in 10 minutes!
Or don't write a Dockerfile at all, and use ko:
Containerd... Do I use Docker to build the container image? I miss the Docker Shim
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "ko"
HOWTO: Generate Go based multiarch images the easy way
It depends on your use case, but have you ever tried google/ko?
`COPY --chmod` reduced the size of my container image by 35%
If you're using Go, I recommend (shameless plug), or for Java, use Jib.
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 8 Oct 2024
ko-build/ko is an open source project licensed under Apache License 2.0 which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of ko is Go.