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jevkalk discussion
jevkalk reviews and mentions
November 2022 monthly "What are you working on?" thread
[1] Here's one of my tries:
Jevko: a minimal general-purpose syntax
Here is a toy language that uses Jevko as syntax that I've been hacking on a bit recently:
> is doing? It sure looks to me like it's asking whether a symbol (i.e. indivisible atom) ends with an equal sign, which is semantic gibberish.
There are no symbols or indivisible atoms here.
What's happening here is parsing. `jevkoToHtml` is a kind of parser-transpiler which operates on a syntax tree, rather than a sequence of characters or tokens.
The syntax tree is the output of an earlier stage of parsing, done by the Jevko parser.
So you can think of this as multi-pass parsing, by analogy with multi-pass compilation.
At the same time as this second pass of parsing is happening, translation to HTML is happening as well.
Hope this clarifies things!
[0] To clearly see the point, here is a toy programming language which uses Jevko as its syntax:
A note from our sponsor - InfluxDB | 15 Sep 2024
The primary programming language of jevkalk is JavaScript.