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Jekyll-feed Alternatives
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Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data.
NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world. A new sound of an old instrument.
This is the source code for my OMSCS journey. It has information about registration, costs (USD and INR), and subject overview, tips and tricks.
jekyll-feed discussion
jekyll-feed reviews and mentions
JSON Feed: An Atom/RSS feed alternative
XML feeds are often generated by templating, rather than actual XML serialisation. The official Jekyll Feed plugin has this:
JSON is much more easily generated by a valid generator, and less likely to face serialisation issues.
Style Your RSS Feed
Awesome. I was able to get this going easily enough on my jekyll-created site that uses the jekyll-feeds plugin. You just have to name the template right and it just works.
HELP feed.xml & robots.txt is required?
Disable Jekyll-feed plugin from _config.yml
How much can you get out of a $4 VPS?
It looks like this [1] plugin [2] is supported in jekyll / GitHub pages [3].
So, it seems like adding RSS / Atom feeds on a jekyll or GitHub pages site is pretty straightforward.
Copied and pasted's resources to my own website to save time
Nice site! Another fellow note-taker inspired by Gilles Castel I see ;) Would you be willing to add an RSS feed to your site so people can follow it and get updates? It's been a while since I used jekyll but I think you just need to add jekyll-feed to the Gemfile and config.yml. See here
Turbocharge your Jekyll Website
There is again an easy way out with the jekyll-feed plugin. Add the plugin, do a bundle install and the feed should start appearing at /feed.xml.
XSLT How Do I Handle XML Escape Characters?
I was afraid of that. I was starting to think that how my Atom feed is created is not properly formed XML. I'm using this to build the feed, See line number 66 for the content I'm talking about ({{ post.content | strip | xml_escape }}). Maybe I just can't do what I'm trying to accomplish using only XSLT. I just wanted to have the option for the user of having the summary or the full on content with HTML markup and all. BTW, the file I referenced is written with Liquid Template Language.
I Create This Blog Using Jekyll
I have tried using the provided theme like Minima but, I just don’t like it after all. That’s why I think it’s better to create my own. I tried to create the simplest design as long as it is easy to be read. I used Coolors, Google Font, Rogue, Jekyll Paginate, Jekyll Feed, and write a bit of Ruby, CSS, and JS for creating the theme itself. I didn’t think creating this simple blog costs me 2 Saturdays, even though it only consists of as many as 3 pages.
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 18 Jan 2025
jekyll/jekyll-feed is an open source project licensed under MIT License which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of jekyll-feed is Ruby.