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Elpy Alternatives
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Elpy discussion
Elpy reviews and mentions
Issues with setting up elpy
If you want to stick with Elpy, I'd suggest side-stepping the RealPython tutorial and diving in to Elpy's documentation directly. But keep in mind that the project has been looking for a new maintainer since March of 2021.
- Eglot has landed on master: Emacs now has a built-in LSP client
Fold docstrings on python files?
Elpy allows to do that with its folding module.
Performant alternative to pyright?
you can use elpy for that its not lsp but it might be faster than pyright.
What is your setup for python coding in emacs?
The last commit in master was 16 days ago, so it seems yes.
What IDE do you use to code Python?
And I'm using Elpy on Emacs. It works like a charm, which provides (quote from it README): - Code completion - Code Navigation - Interactive evaluation and interactive Python shell - On-the-fly syntax checking - Access to documentation
doom emacs python ctrl-c ctrl-c does not open a new buffer
This is one of the (minor) reasons I abandoned anaconda-mode (default for Doom) for elpy. You can do the same with this snippet in your packages.el lisp (package! anaconda-mode :ignore t) (package! elpy :recipe (:host github :repo "jorgenschaefer/elpy") :pin "2203597") ;; Commit date 2021/3/28 Anaconda is lightweight by comparison. Elpy is also a python package that needs to be installed. Read their docs before using.
Elpy is looking for a maintainer
I (current maintainer of Elpy) am not able to properly maintain the project anymore.
- Concatenate webpages
What is your workflow to read opensource software in emacs?
For python development, I use (Elpy is an Emacs package to bring powerful Python editing to Emacs. It combines and configures a number of other packages, both written in Emacs Lisp as well as Python.)
A note from our sponsor - InfluxDB | 14 Sep 2024
jorgenschaefer/elpy is an open source project licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 only which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of Elpy is Emacs Lisp.