
A Django app providing a server implemention for the Filepond file upload library (by ImperialCollegeLondon)

Django-drf-filepond Alternatives

Similar projects and alternatives to django-drf-filepond

NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a better django-drf-filepond alternative or higher similarity.

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django-drf-filepond reviews and mentions

Posts with mentions or reviews of django-drf-filepond. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2022-02-22.
  • Can't get Django to work with FilePond for some reason
    2 projects | /r/django | 22 Feb 2022
    I've had this problem for a while. I'm using filepond on the frontend for uploading files, and I've followed their setup documentation, but I cannot for the life of me get it to work. I'm using django-drf-filepond as the backend for my FilePond uploads, but I keep getting `Bad Request: /uploads/process/` errors. My FilePond configuration is
  • Should DRF image upload be handled in separate request than other image attributes, like description, tags, etc.?
    2 projects | /r/djangolearning | 11 Feb 2021
    It might be worth looking at to see if it meets your needs. Files are uploaded via DRF in the background and an alphanumeric string key that the server returns can be posted along with the form and any other form fields. When handling the form on the server the alphanumeric key is used to retrieve the uploaded file from its temporary location and you can move and do whatever you wish with it.


Basic django-drf-filepond repo stats
13 days ago

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