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Cert-manager Alternatives
Similar projects and alternatives to cert-manager
Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale. InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
Configure external DNS servers (AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS and others) for Kubernetes Ingresses and Services
Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities. A CNCF Incubating project.
Limited DNS server with RESTful HTTP API to handle ACME DNS challenges easily and securely.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
cert-manager discussion
cert-manager reviews and mentions
Fastly and the Linux kernel
The open source projects Fastly uses and the foundations we partner with are vital to Fastly’s mission and success. Here's an unscientific list of projects and organizations supported by the Linux Foundation that we use and love include: The Linux Kernel, Kubernetes, containerd, eBPF, Falco, OpenAPI Initiative, ESLint, Express, Fastify, Lodash, Mocha, Node.js, Prometheus, Jenkins, OpenTelemetry, Envoy, etcd, Helm, osquery, Harbor, sigstore, cert-manager, Cilium, Fluentd, Keycloak, Open Policy Agent, Coalition for Content Provenance and Authority (C2PA), Flux, gRPC, Strimzi, Thanos, Linkerd, Let’s Encrypt, WebAssembly. And the list goes on!
- Cert-Manager
eBPF, sidecars, and the future of the service mesh
William: My first pick would be Linkerd. It's a must-have for any Kubernetes cluster. I then lean towards tools that complement Linkerd, like Argo and cert-manager. You're off to a solid start with these three.
Clusters Are Cattle Until You Deploy Ingress
Bart: Our numerous podcast discussions with seasoned professionals show that GitOps has been a recurring theme in about 90% of our conversations. Almost every guest we've interviewed has emphasized its importance, often mentioning it as their primary tool alongside other essentials like cert manager, Kyverno, or OPA, depending on their preferences.
deploying a minio service to kubernetes
Upgrading Hundreds of Kubernetes Clusters
The second one is a combination of tools: External DNS, cert-manager, and NGINX ingress. Using these as a stack, you can quickly deploy an application, making it available through a DNS with a TLS without much effort via simple annotations. When I first discovered External DNS, I was amazed at its quality.
Run WebAssembly on DigitalOcean Kubernetes with SpinKube - In 4 Easy Steps
On top of its core components, SpinKube depends on cert-manager. cert-Manager is responsible for provisioning and managing TLS certificates that are used by the admission webhook system of the Spin Operator. Let’s install cert-manager and KWasm using the commands shown here:
Importing kubernetes manifests with terraform for cert-manager
terraform { required_providers { kubectl = { source = "gavinbunney/kubectl" version = "1.14.0" } } } # The reference to the current project or a AWS project data "google_client_config" "provider" {} # The reference to the current cluster or EKS data "google_container_cluster" "my_cluster" { name = var.cluster_name location = var.cluster_location } # We configure the kubectl provider to use those values for authenticating provider "kubectl" { host = data.google_container_cluster.my_cluster.endpoint token = data.google_client_config.provider.access_token cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(data.google_container_cluster.my_cluster.master_auth[0].cluster_ca_certificate) } #Download the multiple manifests file. data "http" "cert_manager_crds" { url = "${var.cert_manager_version}/cert-manager.crds.yaml" } data "kubectl_file_documents" "cert_manager_crds" { content = data.http.cert_manager_crds.response_body lifecycle { precondition { condition = 200 == data.http.cert_manager_crds.status_code error_message = "Status code invalid" } } } # We use the for_each or else this kubectl_manifest will only import the first manifest in the file. resource "kubectl_manifest" "cert_manager_crds" { for_each = data.kubectl_file_documents.cert_manager_crds.manifests yaml_body = each.value }
An opinionated template for deploying a single k3s cluster with Ansible backed by Flux, SOPS, GitHub Actions, Renovate, Cilium, Cloudflare and more!
SSL certificates thanks to Cloudflare and cert-manager
Deploy Rancher on AWS EKS using Terraform & Helm Charts
kubectl apply -f${CERT_MANAGER_VERSION}/cert-manager.crds.yaml
A note from our sponsor - InfluxDB | 8 Sep 2024
cert-manager/cert-manager is an open source project licensed under Apache License 2.0 which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of cert-manager is Go.