JSON Hero is an open-source, beautiful JSON explorer for the web that lets you browse, search and navigate your JSON files at speed. 🚀. Built with 💜 by the Trigger.dev team.
It looks like it's open source and you can run it locally if you don't trust a third party website (and you probably shouldn't, depending on the data you paste in there): https://github.com/apihero-run/jsonhero-web
Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale. InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
More on JSON5 is here:
I like the comments and trailing commas too. It has a few other small improvements too.
Processing multi-GB files in the browser is... fun. Doing that kind of thing on a server is easier.
*I'm not justifying doing it on the server, especially for an application like this where yes, it can be done in the client.* But I do sympathize because I know from experience why it's easier to do it server-side, without any conspiracies.
I wrote Papa Parse 10 years ago, and back then at least, it was extremely difficult to stream large files in an efficient, reliable way. Web Workers make things slightly better, but there's so many issues with large-scale local compute in a browser tab.
A few examples:
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24708649/why-does-web-wo... (the answer actually came from Google+ which is still linked to, but no longer available; fortunately I summarized it in my post)
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27081858/how-can-i-make-...
You get deep enough into the weeds and eventually you realize you can make it work cross-browser if you know which browser you're using (YES, User-Agent does matter for things like this) and call you crazy for trying to find out:
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27084036/how-can-i-relia...
Despite all this, I 100% agree and local-only processing is also a hard-rule for me as well. (That's why JSON-to-Go[0] does it all client-side. `go fmt` event compiles to WASM and runs in the browser!)
[0]: https://mholt.github.io/json-to-go/
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
> I remember when XML was the main data interchange format of the web. That sucked.
I wonder why - apart from the "Should this be an element or an attribute?" issues and oddities in various implementations, XML doesn't seem like the worst thing ever.
Actually, I'd argue that WSDL that was used with SOAP was superior to how most people worked with REST (and how some do), since it's taken OpenAPI years to catch up and codegen is still not quite as widespread, despite notable progress: https://openapi-generator.tech/
What does leave a sour taste, however, is the fact that configuration turned into XML hell (not in a web context, but for apps locally) much like we have YAML hell nowadays, as well as people being able to focus on codegen absolved them of the need to pay lots of attention towards how intuitive their data structures are.
Also check out jqp (jq REPL) for when you need a few tries to get the right jq selector: https://github.com/noahgorstein/jqp
Looks a bit like fzf combined with jq.
The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis
You’re probably thinking of the tool made by GCHQ, CyberChef
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