What practice programs or knowledge should I learn to do "real" projects in Haskell

This page summarizes the projects mentioned and recommended in the original post on /r/haskell

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  1. three.js

    JavaScript 3D Library.

    In that sense, question yourself about something either beautiful or slightly useful. I really liked going into webgl and https://threejs.org/ because of the reallllly pretty things you could do with it. That how i made my own website with real time mandelbrot sets rendering. If you like cybersecurity, you could make a jacktheripper web app or a yourock.txt lookup web page. Or maybe a webapp that is a metasploit ui. That may sound hard, you can always defer the hard parts to the more intelligent you of the future.

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  3. splits

    Expense-splitting for no one, or: A Haskell joyride. (by keithfancher)

    For example, my first project after GPWH was a dumb expense-splitting tool that I actually needed. Probably terrible, but... I learned a ton! And it's legit useful (to me at least).

  4. tvmv

    Bulk-rename TV episode files with minimal fuss

    And now I'm working on something a bit more complex: lots of IO, filestystem stuff, API calls, etc. It's basically a FileBot replacement (tentatively) called tvmv. And after that, I kinda want to try a small game.

  5. threepenny-gui

    GUI framework that uses the web browser as a display.

    Not if you use my Threepenny-gui library. 😉

NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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