Using the Free Pascal IDE for a Week

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  1. nvim-lspconfig

    Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP

    And the vim modal editing pattern is nice for a basic text editor but has pretty poor extensibility…

    Nothing could be further from the truth. There are tons of plugins, scripts, tutorials for literally every scenario you can imagine since Vim has (never mind its predecessor Vi) has been around since 1991.

    at some point you just can't do everything with single letters, you need actual, complex commands

    Vim’s power is its composability. Once you understand text objects (word, sentences, paragraphs) and motions, you can do anything you want.

    If you need to repeat a string of commands together, you can record macros on the fly, create an autocommand or a plugin if that’s what needed.

    Neovim in particular has LSP support built-in, which gives the editor semantic knowledge of your code, just like an IDE. So renaming, refactoring, formatting, syntax highlighting work better.

    There’s even a LSP server for Free Pascal:

  2. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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  3. awesome-neovim

    Collections of awesome neovim plugins.

    It’s not an IDE but Neovim can do IDE-like things.

    And you can get Neovim with all batteries included:

  4. pascal-language-server

    LSP server implementation for Pascal

    In the case of Free Pascal, may I remind you that there is a fully featured IDE called Lazarus…

    That’s cool, but if you already use Neovim for other things, there’s a Free Pascal Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for it too [1]. You’ll many of the same features that Lazarus has, like code completion, diagnostics, etc. In fact, it’s the same LSP that’s available for VS Code [2] and it uses Lazarus as a backend.

    Too much is being made about how hard Neovim is to configure; if you’re new to it or to Lua, just use LSP Zero [3] that takes care of all of the details of installing LSP, linters, etc.




  5. lsp-zero.nvim

    A starting point to setup some lsp related features in neovim.

    In the case of Free Pascal, may I remind you that there is a fully featured IDE called Lazarus…

    That’s cool, but if you already use Neovim for other things, there’s a Free Pascal Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for it too [1]. You’ll many of the same features that Lazarus has, like code completion, diagnostics, etc. In fact, it’s the same LSP that’s available for VS Code [2] and it uses Lazarus as a backend.

    Too much is being made about how hard Neovim is to configure; if you’re new to it or to Lua, just use LSP Zero [3] that takes care of all of the details of installing LSP, linters, etc.




  6. zeal-at-point

    Search the word at point with Zeal (Emacs)

NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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