It’s that time again. The initial commit on the last version of my Gatsby-based site was Mar 30, 2018, and the last major redesign was October 14th 2019. It’s been 3 years since I last touched the design of the site, so as a designer you can imagine I’ve been reeling waiting to change things up.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
My goal was to try a few new libraries and get experience under my belt (cause isn’t that what dev blogs are for?). I’d swap out Gatsby for **Astro,** and Styled Components + Styled System for **Vanilla Extract**. I was interested in trying Astro as it just hit 1.0, and I’ve been experimenting for a while with Vanilla Extract as a way to write Typescript powered styles and export to CSS.
For the post processing I used @react-three/post-processing components, and to get the look just right I created a debug panel using Leva to adjust some values (like bokeh blur).
For the post processing I used @react-three/post-processing components, and to get the look just right I created a debug panel using Leva to adjust some values (like bokeh blur).
My workaround? I ended up using zustand to create a store outside of “React-land” and using that between components. But this still was a major issue with a lot of wrapper components that needed access to context (like a theme provider).
My goal was to try a few new libraries and get experience under my belt (cause isn’t that what dev blogs are for?). I’d swap out Gatsby for **Astro,** and Styled Components + Styled System for **Vanilla Extract**. I was interested in trying Astro as it just hit 1.0, and I’ve been experimenting for a while with Vanilla Extract as a way to write Typescript powered styles and export to CSS.
My goal was to try a few new libraries and get experience under my belt (cause isn’t that what dev blogs are for?). I’d swap out Gatsby for **Astro,** and Styled Components + Styled System for **Vanilla Extract**. I was interested in trying Astro as it just hit 1.0, and I’ve been experimenting for a while with Vanilla Extract as a way to write Typescript powered styles and export to CSS.
My goal was to try a few new libraries and get experience under my belt (cause isn’t that what dev blogs are for?). I’d swap out Gatsby for **Astro,** and Styled Components + Styled System for **Vanilla Extract**. I was interested in trying Astro as it just hit 1.0, and I’ve been experimenting for a while with Vanilla Extract as a way to write Typescript powered styles and export to CSS.
Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅
My goal was to try a few new libraries and get experience under my belt (cause isn’t that what dev blogs are for?). I’d swap out Gatsby for **Astro,** and Styled Components + Styled System for **Vanilla Extract**. I was interested in trying Astro as it just hit 1.0, and I’ve been experimenting for a while with Vanilla Extract as a way to write Typescript powered styles and export to CSS.
I started to develop some of the components in isolation using Storybook and Vanilla Extract. I used one of my previous projects as the basis, Gelato UI, a design system I created using Nx monorepo.
` becomes `` const mdxProvider = () => { return { name: "mdx-components-provider", enforce: "post", transform(code, id) { if (!id.endsWith(".mdx")) return; code = `import { components } from '@/components/MDXComponents/MDXComponents';\n${code}`; code = code.replace( "export default MDXContent;", ` export default function (props) { const newProps = { ...props, components } return MDXContent(newProps); };` ); return code; }, }; }; // https://astro.build/config export default defineConfig({ markdown: { shikiConfig: { theme: "material-palenight", }, }, // Enable React to support React JSX components. integrations: [react(), mdx()], vite: { // Example: Add custom vite plugins directly to your Astro project plugins: [vanillaExtractPlugin(), mdxProvider()], }, });