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Interactive evaluation for Neovim (Clojure, Fennel, Janet, Racket, Hy, MIT Scheme, Guile, Python and more!)
treesitter-textobjects + https://github.com/Olical/conjure is a magical experience. Textobjects lets you use tree sitter in motions (e.g. delete entire function, etc.) and conjure uses tree-sitter to parse and evaluate parts of lisps (and other cool languages, like rust and Julia!).
For refactoring and testing
For refactoring and testing
My neovim configuration - entirely in Lua using modern plugins (native LSP, treesitter, telescope, etc.)
For cool snippets. For example in C++, if I'm in a class "Foo" and I expand the snippet "cassd" (const assignment definition), it generates "Foo& operator=(Foo const& other);" (see config).
NeoVim lua plugin that annotates source code with profiling information from perf or other profilers
Also my profiling plugin uses treesitter for functions like "show me the hottest callsites of the function containing the cursor" or "highlight the hottest lines in this function".
Works great! It works with evcxr (https://github.com/google/evcxr) under the hood, so almost feels like a fancy but simpler Jupiter notebook in a way. I use it for testing out ideas, code logic, and from time to time data science in rust.
i dont see the issue reported in the python parser: https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-python/issues
I use this colorscheme: https://github.com/Mofiqul/vscode.nvim - But I tried with like 10 different colorschemes and always running :hi TSVariable guifg=#ff0000 ends up changing both.