After extensively trying many text editors and IDEs, I have finally decided and settled on Neovim.
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rust-tools is a fantastic plugin to setup rust-analyzer with Neovim's LSP .
Access to Cargo commands.
Tree-sitter is a fantastic parser generation and incremental parsing library, that supports Rust language bindings and has an available parser Rust tree-sitter-rust.
There is also the alternative to use nvim-DAP instead of Vimspector. It looks like a fantastic initiative that is getting traction, but I still have not enabled it in my workflow. Definitely worth a look!
Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description.
Have basic knowledge about Neovim and Lua:
rust-analyzer is supported through Neovim's LSP, which essentially give us: Code completion. Some refactoring. Code analysis and linting. Go to definition. Code actions. Access to documentation. Show and go to references. Snippets support. Better syntax highlighting. Code formatting.
As of today, my prefered method is to use the Vimspector plugin with CodeLLDB.
Rust and Neovim Set Up Diagram - made with https://mermaid.live
Alacritty terminal.