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Check out IHP. Compared to Yesod it's a bit more opinionated. This might be a useful, as it allows you to focus on your domain problem instead of picking libraries etc. Also we have a very active Slack community with over 350 Haskellers. If you have any questions, you can always get help on slack.
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There's also GHCJS, with https://github.com/obsidiansystems/obelisk being (probably) the best choice, but personally I found it extremely tedious to set up a dev environment (not a nix guy) and there's also the learning curve of FRP.
Why don’t you consider to try clojure ? It has ClojureScript and according to your project goals it should have more UI code than server one
Finally, to add my opinion in the context of some other posts: I'd suggest Scotty (and probably other libraries I'm less familiar with) before Servant in particular, as Servant is a lot to absorb if you're also trying to build fluency in Haskell at the same time. Similarly, I'd advocate for Elmish (disclaimer, it's written by (very talented programmers other than myself at) my company) over Halogen, at least based on the last time I tried Halogen--I found it pretty complex as well. Don't get me wrong, I think Servant and Halogen are both great, just...complex.