Follow the instructions on the NeoVim installation page or use the following command:
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Now, I still love VS Code, can really recommend it and I use it for example in the browser on GitHub. But since I tried Vim, I'm now using this as my primary editor.
set encoding=UTF-8 set number syntax on " set tab to 4 spaces filetype plugin indent on set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab " Tab / Shift Tab to navigate between tabs nnoremap :tabnext nnoremap :tabprevious " CoC settings set nobackup set nowritebackup set cmdheight=2 set updatetime=300 set shortmess+=c if has("nvim-0.5.0") || has("patch-8.1.1564") set signcolumn=number else set signcolumn=yes endif inoremap \ pumvisible() ? "\" : \ CheckBackspace() ? "\" : \ coc#refresh() inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" function! CheckBackspace() abort let col = col('.') - 1 return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s' endfunction if has('nvim') inoremap coc#refresh() else inoremap coc#refresh() endif inoremap pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm() \: "\u\\=coc#on_enter()\" nmap [g (coc-diagnostic-prev) nmap ]g (coc-diagnostic-next) nmap gd (coc-definition) nmap gy (coc-type-definition) nmap gi (coc-implementation) nmap gr (coc-references) nnoremap K :call ShowDocumentation() function! ShowDocumentation() if CocAction('hasProvider', 'hover') call CocActionAsync('doHover') else call feedkeys('K', 'in') endif endfunction autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight') " VimPlug plugin manager call plug#begin() Plug 'https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline' Plug 'https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary' Plug 'https://github.com/ap/vim-css-color' Plug 'https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes' Plug 'https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim' Plug 'othree/html5.vim' Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript' Plug 'evanleck/vim-svelte', {'branch': 'main'} call plug#end() " set the colorsheme " list: https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes colorscheme minimalist
set encoding=UTF-8 set number syntax on " set tab to 4 spaces filetype plugin indent on set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab " Tab / Shift Tab to navigate between tabs nnoremap :tabnext nnoremap :tabprevious " CoC settings set nobackup set nowritebackup set cmdheight=2 set updatetime=300 set shortmess+=c if has("nvim-0.5.0") || has("patch-8.1.1564") set signcolumn=number else set signcolumn=yes endif inoremap \ pumvisible() ? "\" : \ CheckBackspace() ? "\" : \ coc#refresh() inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" function! CheckBackspace() abort let col = col('.') - 1 return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s' endfunction if has('nvim') inoremap coc#refresh() else inoremap coc#refresh() endif inoremap pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm() \: "\u\\=coc#on_enter()\" nmap [g (coc-diagnostic-prev) nmap ]g (coc-diagnostic-next) nmap gd (coc-definition) nmap gy (coc-type-definition) nmap gi (coc-implementation) nmap gr (coc-references) nnoremap K :call ShowDocumentation() function! ShowDocumentation() if CocAction('hasProvider', 'hover') call CocActionAsync('doHover') else call feedkeys('K', 'in') endif endfunction autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight') " VimPlug plugin manager call plug#begin() Plug 'https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline' Plug 'https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary' Plug 'https://github.com/ap/vim-css-color' Plug 'https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes' Plug 'https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim' Plug 'othree/html5.vim' Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript' Plug 'evanleck/vim-svelte', {'branch': 'main'} call plug#end() " set the colorsheme " list: https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes colorscheme minimalist
set encoding=UTF-8 set number syntax on " set tab to 4 spaces filetype plugin indent on set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab " Tab / Shift Tab to navigate between tabs nnoremap :tabnext nnoremap :tabprevious " CoC settings set nobackup set nowritebackup set cmdheight=2 set updatetime=300 set shortmess+=c if has("nvim-0.5.0") || has("patch-8.1.1564") set signcolumn=number else set signcolumn=yes endif inoremap \ pumvisible() ? "\" : \ CheckBackspace() ? "\" : \ coc#refresh() inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" function! CheckBackspace() abort let col = col('.') - 1 return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s' endfunction if has('nvim') inoremap coc#refresh() else inoremap coc#refresh() endif inoremap pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm() \: "\u\\=coc#on_enter()\" nmap [g (coc-diagnostic-prev) nmap ]g (coc-diagnostic-next) nmap gd (coc-definition) nmap gy (coc-type-definition) nmap gi (coc-implementation) nmap gr (coc-references) nnoremap K :call ShowDocumentation() function! ShowDocumentation() if CocAction('hasProvider', 'hover') call CocActionAsync('doHover') else call feedkeys('K', 'in') endif endfunction autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight') " VimPlug plugin manager call plug#begin() Plug 'https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline' Plug 'https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary' Plug 'https://github.com/ap/vim-css-color' Plug 'https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes' Plug 'https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim' Plug 'othree/html5.vim' Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript' Plug 'evanleck/vim-svelte', {'branch': 'main'} call plug#end() " set the colorsheme " list: https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes colorscheme minimalist
set encoding=UTF-8 set number syntax on " set tab to 4 spaces filetype plugin indent on set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab " Tab / Shift Tab to navigate between tabs nnoremap :tabnext nnoremap :tabprevious " CoC settings set nobackup set nowritebackup set cmdheight=2 set updatetime=300 set shortmess+=c if has("nvim-0.5.0") || has("patch-8.1.1564") set signcolumn=number else set signcolumn=yes endif inoremap \ pumvisible() ? "\" : \ CheckBackspace() ? "\" : \ coc#refresh() inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" function! CheckBackspace() abort let col = col('.') - 1 return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s' endfunction if has('nvim') inoremap coc#refresh() else inoremap coc#refresh() endif inoremap pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm() \: "\u\\=coc#on_enter()\" nmap [g (coc-diagnostic-prev) nmap ]g (coc-diagnostic-next) nmap gd (coc-definition) nmap gy (coc-type-definition) nmap gi (coc-implementation) nmap gr (coc-references) nnoremap K :call ShowDocumentation() function! ShowDocumentation() if CocAction('hasProvider', 'hover') call CocActionAsync('doHover') else call feedkeys('K', 'in') endif endfunction autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight') " VimPlug plugin manager call plug#begin() Plug 'https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline' Plug 'https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary' Plug 'https://github.com/ap/vim-css-color' Plug 'https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes' Plug 'https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim' Plug 'othree/html5.vim' Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript' Plug 'evanleck/vim-svelte', {'branch': 'main'} call plug#end() " set the colorsheme " list: https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes colorscheme minimalist
Until recently, I've been a big fan of Visual Studio Code and it was my primary editor for the last years. Over time, I learned more and more key bindings, started to really use the command palette and started to not do everything with the mouse - and guess what, it felt a lot faster than doing everything with the mouse.
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set encoding=UTF-8 set number syntax on " set tab to 4 spaces filetype plugin indent on set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab " Tab / Shift Tab to navigate between tabs nnoremap :tabnext nnoremap :tabprevious " CoC settings set nobackup set nowritebackup set cmdheight=2 set updatetime=300 set shortmess+=c if has("nvim-0.5.0") || has("patch-8.1.1564") set signcolumn=number else set signcolumn=yes endif inoremap \ pumvisible() ? "\" : \ CheckBackspace() ? "\" : \ coc#refresh() inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" function! CheckBackspace() abort let col = col('.') - 1 return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s' endfunction if has('nvim') inoremap coc#refresh() else inoremap coc#refresh() endif inoremap pumvisible() ? coc#_select_confirm() \: "\u\\=coc#on_enter()\" nmap [g (coc-diagnostic-prev) nmap ]g (coc-diagnostic-next) nmap gd (coc-definition) nmap gy (coc-type-definition) nmap gi (coc-implementation) nmap gr (coc-references) nnoremap K :call ShowDocumentation() function! ShowDocumentation() if CocAction('hasProvider', 'hover') call CocActionAsync('doHover') else call feedkeys('K', 'in') endif endfunction autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight') " VimPlug plugin manager call plug#begin() Plug 'https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline' Plug 'https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary' Plug 'https://github.com/ap/vim-css-color' Plug 'https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes' Plug 'https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim' Plug 'othree/html5.vim' Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript' Plug 'evanleck/vim-svelte', {'branch': 'main'} call plug#end() " set the colorsheme " list: https://github.com/rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes colorscheme minimalist
html5.vim: Syntax & indentation for HTML5 and SVG (required for vim-svelte)
vim-javascript: Syntax & indentation for JavaScript (required for vim-svelte)
vim-svelte: Syntax & indentation for Svelte