I basically use the db/sql package/interface, but I use sqlx for its StructScan ability that will scan straight into my db struct rather than having to scan into the individual fields.
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sqlc for Postgresql databases is really nice. MySQL also works but has more issues and currently they are working on SQLite support.
sqlf for building parameterized queries, yet to settle on a row-to-struct mapper, doing it manually for now
I like and use https://github.com/zombiezen/go-sqlite for CGo-free SQLite. It avoids some of the problems database/sql has, discussed here: https://crawshaw.io/blog/go-and-sqlite.
sqlx has worked pretty well for me if you are looking for a fairly light wrapper. I wish there was an equivalent of the dapper library for C#/.NET.
Though, i've would give a try to bun
Command line tool to generate idiomatic Go code for SQL databases supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server (by xo)
i use xo . Reason is i prefer designing schema first and creating golang scaffolding later. Xo takes schema and gives me basic create/update/delete operations by default and i can also generate gocode for any sql queries that i write.
We have used squirrel (https://github.com/Masterminds/squirrel) for query building and sqlx as a database/sql wrapper quite extensively.
That's what I'm trying to remove with sqly (Scully). But it's mostly a PoC at this moment.