I still use the abandoned version of Lawnchair 2 from https://lawnchair.app/
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Not sure if it will fulfill your needs, but there this lawnchair fork https://github.com/NeoApplications/Neo-Launcher/releases/tag/0.9.0
Lawnchair2 - The most complete FOSS launcher although it has issues with being released on F-droid and recently there were accusations of proprietary code being used inappropriately within the app.
openlauncher - A fork of an old version of lawnchair that went it's own way, reasonably competent although a bit rough around the edges at times.
KISS launcher - A Simplistic launcher focused on minimalism. You get one window, one line of favorites, one widget and a searchbar. The ability to tag apps is great and the search focused useage I fine quite pleasing. I do wish you could have more widgets but combining it with KWGT and Popup widget 3 has been my go-to solution.
Kvaesitso - Similar to KISS but better looking, search and weather integrations, more widgets. A few annoying bugs like the home button not working in the app drawer when searching as expected prevent me from using this one.
I don't use gestures myself, but for a privacy-friendly keyboard I can recommend FlorisBoard with Dracula Theme. They state: Customizable actions for gestures: swipe up/down/left/right, space bar left/right, delete key swipe) But idk if it works well and if that will serve your needs.