Redust: a new Redis client

This page summarizes the projects mentioned and recommended in the original post on /r/rust

InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews
SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
  • redis-rs

    Redis library for rust

    redis: by far the most popular and definitely the most ergonomic library. However, I was frustrated by its pubsub support; while generally acceptable, it's impossible to perform subscription operations while consuming messages. I like the library, but the workarounds to this issue were unacceptable to me.

  • InfluxDB

    Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale. InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.

    InfluxDB logo
  • redust

    A simple Redis client & RESP parser for Rust.

    I've published my work on Github: If anyone is also interested in solving these kinds of problems, I'd love to receive some feedback on the code or its API.


    A Rust implementation of RESP2 and RESP3

    For what it's worth - here's a library I use in my redis client for parsing RESP2 and RESP3. It does not use serde but does use nom, and it has an optional feature that can decode `BytesMut` without moving or copying the buffer contents as long as you're willing to use the `Bytes` ecosystem types.


    An async Redis client for Rust.

    For what it's worth - here's a library I use in my redis client for parsing RESP2 and RESP3. It does not use serde but does use nom, and it has an optional feature that can decode `BytesMut` without moving or copying the buffer contents as long as you're willing to use the `Bytes` ecosystem types.

NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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