Hello guys. I installed neovim using my own nix flake: https://github.com/quoteme/neovim-luca
Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale. InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
Now I wish to install nvim-dap to debug java applications. I already have nvim-jdtls installed, which nvim-dap needs. But for full debuggin capabilities I need to have java-debug and vscode-java-debug insalled as stadet in nvim-jdtls#debugger-via-nvim-dap.
Now I wish to install nvim-dap to debug java applications. I already have nvim-jdtls installed, which nvim-dap needs. But for full debuggin capabilities I need to have java-debug and vscode-java-debug insalled as stadet in nvim-jdtls#debugger-via-nvim-dap.
The debug server implementation for Java. It conforms to the debug protocol of Visual Studio Code (DAP, Debugger Adapter Protocol).
Now I wish to install nvim-dap to debug java applications. I already have nvim-jdtls installed, which nvim-dap needs. But for full debuggin capabilities I need to have java-debug and vscode-java-debug insalled as stadet in nvim-jdtls#debugger-via-nvim-dap.
Now I wish to install nvim-dap to debug java applications. I already have nvim-jdtls installed, which nvim-dap needs. But for full debuggin capabilities I need to have java-debug and vscode-java-debug insalled as stadet in nvim-jdtls#debugger-via-nvim-dap.
My problem is, that to install java-debug, I need to clone its repository and run ./mvnw clean install in the cloned repo. But this does not work, because 1. when writing a flake to install it using stdenv.mkderivation and maven as a buildDepend, I have no internet and ./mvnw clean install fails. 2. using mvn2nix's nix run github:fzakaria/mvn2nix#mvn2nix results in a Failed to execute goals [[package]]. Exit code: 1.