Discontinued Declarative routing for React [Moved to: https://github.com/remix-run/react-router] (by rackt)
I'd like my React based SPA to render on server side (who's not these days). Therefore I want to combine React with react-router, redux and some build layer like isomorphic starterkit.
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Discontinued Predictable state container for JavaScript apps [Moved to: https://github.com/reduxjs/redux] (by rackt)
I'd like my React based SPA to render on server side (who's not these days). Therefore I want to combine React with react-router, redux and some build layer like isomorphic starterkit.
I'd like my React based SPA to render on server side (who's not these days). Therefore I want to combine React with react-router, redux and some build layer like isomorphic starterkit.
There is hapi universal redux which joins all together, but I am struggling with how to organize my flow. My data is coming from multiple endpoints of a REST API. Different components have different data needs and should load data just in time on the client. On the server instead, all data for a specific route (set of components) has to be fetched, and the necessary components rendered to strings.