I also host my blog on there and all my pictures. As for things it can do, quite a bit actually, but many of them are proof of concept as the underlying tech is not yet at desktop speeds. I have a decent list in the https://github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS/blob/main/README.md.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in. https://www.getzola.org
I try to keep it simple, HTML, Sass (but really just vanilla CSS), and no JS. I generate the site with Zola (https://www.getzola.org/), which has been fantastic. Nothing fancy here, probably write a post once a year, but I have fun doing so.
Oh sorry, HN usability played with our hearts :D
The message was meant to this other dev, quite cool mind map:
And I'm impressed by what you have done there. I even played a bit of DOOM heh.
Your project reminded me a little bit of https://squeak.js.org in the sense of having a full OS like thing in the browser.
Congrats for the achievement!
🕹️ WebGL-based VT220 emulator, made as a learning example and frontend for a text adventure
It’s a retro experience with a text adventure game. I wrote it to prove to myself that I kinda knew WebGL after shutting down our browser gaming startup.
Only one person has beaten the game. Most don’t make it inside the building. Guess I’m not a great game designer ;)
Discontinued Personal website with templates coded in pure HTML/CSS; posts written in markdown and compiled with a custom bash script using pandoc (by jstrieb)
Kept mine simple.
I get a ton of action on my contact form, but mostly from people using Link Lock, or people who found my Cookie Clicker auto clicker bookmarklet.
https://jeremy.richards.dev is a failed attempt to create knowledge base with all my markdown notes (see my goals at https://github.com/jeremysprofile/jeremysprofile.github.io ) and now just holds my resume.
https://beepb00p.xyz I mostly write about data liberation, quantified self and knowledge management.
Some notable links:
https://beepb00p.xyz/myinfra.html -- map of my personal data infrastructure (usually people say I'm a bit mad after seeing this :) )
https://beepb00p.xyz/blog-graph.html -- a nice visual way to explore my posts
https://beepb00p.xyz/exobrain -- my "external brain", basically public notes/links dump
My site is sciencemadness.org. I started it when I was still an undergraduate some 20 years ago now (!). Content on it has been linked from here a bunch of times [1] -- most often, regarding my scan of the book Ignition! An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants by John D. Clark:
But I'd suggest checking out the whole library, not just that one book:
Also the forum:
It used to be very simple to register but I got tired of the endless cat-and-mouse games with web link spammers. Now you'll need to email to get an account, and I deal with the registration requests at irregular intervals. But there's no gatekeeping. You don't need any particular qualifications or background to join.
I mostly participate here on HN under another account name that I don't want linked to this one. My real life identity is trivially found from my web site and I don't want that linked to everything else I say on HN.
[1] https://hn.algolia.com/?q=sciencemadness
Soon to be also a Blog :/
Code that generates my site → https://github.com/mariocesar/mariocesar
Discontinued An easy to use blogging platform, with enhanced support for Jupyter Notebooks.
My blog isn't all that amazing visually, but I'll use this to recommend fast pages. If you know a bit of coding and your goal is to write and not tinker, it's the perfect tool.
[1] www.adithyabalaji.com
[2] https://github.com/fastai/fastpages
I recently created it using NextJS and MDX. I had to create the terminal component from scratch in react, so it will be mobile-friendly and won't be ruined by tailwind's global CSS (outline specifically).
Deploy your own Notion-powered website in minutes with Next.js and Vercel.
It's powered by Notion as a CMS, react-notion-x, Next.js, and Vercel.
I published an open source starter kit so anyone can easily create similar sites: https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/nextjs-notion-starter...
It's powered by Notion as a CMS, react-notion-x, Next.js, and Vercel.
I published an open source starter kit so anyone can easily create similar sites: https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/nextjs-notion-starter...
Here’s my personal site: https://andrewzah.com/
It’s statically compiled with Hugo. I switched from Zola due to lack of asscidoctor support. My focus is on minimalism and loading fast.
The sad thing is I’ve spent dozens more hours working on the code for this site than actually writing articles. (Counting the various migrations from Zola, etc).
I have some drafts for articles but I just have zero motivation to write these days. I’d rather practice guitar.
All posts are written to a giant org file.
This wasn’t by design but more accidental. The file started as my notes, and eventually exported it to html as a single page (using built-in export). That page grew too large over time, so I wrote some custom elisp code to split into multiple html pages served by GitHub pages:
The custom elisp code I wrote isn’t particularly elegant, pretty, nor reusable but does the job for me.
In short, it’s a frankenstenian hack of sorts I’ll likely regret at some point, but at the moment fairly maintenance-free.
I also got these pages for apps I built, just plain 'ol html:
I have a blog[0], I write stuff. I don't have a job yet but I blog about my personal life and on technical problems, feelings, and stuff.
I also have a website with other things here and there [5].
The blog itself is literally a git repository, browsable here[1]. Whenever I push, it runs a git hook that executes build commands. The blog is composed of markdown files.
All the blog can be rebuilt by following the instructions and is meant to be as platform-agnostic as possible, meaning you could host it under any webserver under any path, links are relative, etc.
The blog system I use is blogit [2]; originally created by Pedantic software but has been heavily modified by yours truly[4]. Under the hood it's literally a makefile, unix `sed,grep,etc` to make tagging and other static stuff. It uses the markdown parser discount[3] to parse markdown into html. It is fully static and you can deploy it and just put a simple python http server on it. I use lighttpd, because I have some services set up.
[0] https://blog.thetrevor.tech/
[1] https://git-trevcan.duckdns.org/trevcan.github.io.git/
[2] https://pedantic.software/git/blogit
[3] https://github.com/Orc/discount
[4] I have this repo: https://git.trevcan.duckdns.org/blogit.git/ but it's not updated, check out the blog repo, the blogit makefile is there.
[5] https://thetrevor.tech/
I made https://will.institute/ as a place to post stuff after bailing on most social media, the existing content was migrated over from my old Instagram account.
Static site built in Swift with Publish: https://github.com/JohnSundell/Publish
Since I got out of the habit of posting anything on Instagram for a couple years I haven’t really gotten back into it for my own site, but one of these days I’ll put some new pictures up!
Started as Jekyll, but then converted to just markdown in GitHub.
My CMS is just Github basically, you can basically read and navigate the files in Github with very little content loss:
The loose collection of build tools are wrapped up in this tool: https://github.com/bcomnes/siteup
Its deployed to Neocities with this custom action: https://github.com/bcomnes/deploy-to-neocities
Started as Jekyll, but then converted to just markdown in GitHub.
My CMS is just Github basically, you can basically read and navigate the files in Github with very little content loss:
The loose collection of build tools are wrapped up in this tool: https://github.com/bcomnes/siteup
Its deployed to Neocities with this custom action: https://github.com/bcomnes/deploy-to-neocities
Started as Jekyll, but then converted to just markdown in GitHub.
My CMS is just Github basically, you can basically read and navigate the files in Github with very little content loss:
The loose collection of build tools are wrapped up in this tool: https://github.com/bcomnes/siteup
Its deployed to Neocities with this custom action: https://github.com/bcomnes/deploy-to-neocities
I use it myself daily to receive a chronological feed aggregating notifications from GitHub and Gerrit. I’m pretty happy to rely on that and not need to receive notifications via email or by visiting multiple web UIs.
It also hosts my newer (though also more rare) personal Go packages, serving them via a custom implementation of the module proxy protocol in addition to a git server, an issue tracker, and most recently a simple code review system (see https://dmitri.shuralyov.com/go/generated$changes/1). Supports logging in via the IndieAuth protocol.
Source code is at https://github.com/shurcooL/home, though some WIP changes aren’t there yet, and I should really move it to be hosted on my personal site for more dogfooding. One day.
🧞♂️ Public version of The Archive, the text adventure game on langworth.com, but without secrets.
Thanks! The game here is written in Inform7, and it was so difficult to make progress that it took me three years on and off to finish the game. So if you do it that way, beware :)
Abridged story: https://github.com/statico/the-archive-public/blob/master/Th...
Backend server: https://github.com/statico/glulxe-httpd
Thanks! The game here is written in Inform7, and it was so difficult to make progress that it took me three years on and off to finish the game. So if you do it that way, beware :)
Abridged story: https://github.com/statico/the-archive-public/blob/master/Th...
Backend server: https://github.com/statico/glulxe-httpd
I used to run this on wordpress when it was first released. Built a few terrible looking themes for it too. This was a redesign from that time. It was doing using the YUI toolkit. Phones were not a thing then so I didn't consider that. Many of the ideas were taken from snippets of CSS Zen Garden. It's generated using Jekyll and has disqus for comments. I wrote an emacs mode https://github.com/nibrahim/Hyde to manage the blog. Much of the content is outdated. I don't actively blog anymore.
This is hosted on a shared hosting service called hcoop which I got onto in 2001 or so and have been on ever since. The domains were registered on an Indian registrar (net4) which went under and I migrated them to namecheap a month or two ago.
Hm, thanks for letting me know. Looks like I can reproduce the issue on desktop using Firefox's Responsive Design Mode set to a smaller iPhone. The mobile layout could definitely use some love. Since the last rework of the site, I've used bulma¹ for styling and really liked it. Might be a good excuse for a weekend project. :)
¹: https://bulma.io/
Discontinued Create minimalist, Ubuntu based images for the Nvidia jetson boards [Moved to: https://github.com/pythops/jetson-image]
Here is my current pet project https://syradar.github.io/yxans-klagan/#/monsters , I need to get a domain for it. The Wailing Axe, a game masters one stop shop for prepping and running the Forbidden Lands RPG by the Free League.
Static site using Zola + custom theme. Something between a blog and a portfolio. Here's the source:
Glad you liked it! Credit to Webamp for the player.
I also started to move to hugo, but they didn't merge the pr [2] which would have helped in the transition. :(
The look is still similar to what it was in the beginning, in terms of colors at least.
[1] https://github.com/metalsmith/metalsmith
Discontinued A static blog build on top of Notion and NextJS, deployed on Vercel. (by ale0sx)
:triangular_ruler: Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
Recently started a personal blog. The plan is to blog about Data Science/Engineering and implementation of modern data solutions in scientific research.
The blog is hosted on GitHub pages using minimal mistakes theme [0] (which I had to customize a lot to suit my needs [1]).
[0]: https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/
I made this long ago, before Dustin Brett published his and now it doesn't seem as impressive in comparison. I didn't invest heavily in this project though, it's hacky and it's over. https://desk.glitchy.website
I also have this as a way of showcasing some of my music in a futuristic style. Made with a react ui lib called "Arwes" https://glitchy.website
I got annoyed at the lack of playlist generation features inside of Spotify, so I created https://github.com/mcmxcdev/ConcertMash, which can easily generate a playlist for upcoming concerts based on selected artists!
It does save a lot of time that is usually spent on manually creating a playlist ;)
It is open-source and built with SvelteKit.
Covers topics on architecting, building, deploying and running software and systems for the web based on open source tools with lean methodologies.
I wrote a custom small WebGL2 engine that powers all of the graphics, fully bypassing the DOM. All the math, raycasting, layouting and so on are custom implementation.
10 years ago i did this classic-mac-a-like. But actually... I sorta liked most of the Win98 UI. Sure, there were weird corners like trying to confuse printers and control panels as files, but it was the beginning if msft paying attention to UX concepts an A11Y.
Call me a weirdo, but I thought the color-reduxed / high-contrast theme for Win2k was the apex of MSFT UIs.
🕹 A one man effort to produce an intuitive and high performance Dwarf Fortress-esque game. Needs a name.
It uses a custom static site generator because I needed to procrastinate somehow before starting the first post... Now it's nicely stable and punishing new posts is quick and easy
⚡ Create minimalist, blazing fast no-javascript websites from a single, portable plain text file
Nothing special, it's basically a host for my (not exactly up to date) resume, a couple projects, and my github.
I do, however, take pride in its pleasant minimalism and the fact that it's blazing fast - mostly out of being html-only, with all "pages" actually embedded in a single file - it was generated from a single markdown file using https://github.com/leoncvlt/imml
Nothing special for mine[0], serves more as an online business card with some links. The domain contains my full name and I also have a very similar e-mail address (replace the first dot with @). It's just plain HTML with some JS to switch the hello message. Source is available and I have a job that gets triggered for every commit, deploying it to Gitlab Pages. I just update it directly on Gitlab[1] every time I need to and it's up.
[0] https://rafael.keramid.as/
[1] https://gitlab.com/keraf/personal-site
Nothing special about it, just to (hopefully) land an internship
Code: https://github.com/tom-pollak/tom-pollak.github.io
Source code: https://github.com/iddan/site
Built with: Gatsby (though I won't use it today) and Netlify CMS and deployed on Netlify
HN has motivated me to start writing stuff down and publish it. (thx ^^) I started about 16 months ago and it has been a great experience. The site is based on MkDocs [1] with Material [2] theme built using GitHub actions (and various other services; see GitHub readme [3])
[1] https://www.mkdocs.org/
A legible monospace font... the very typeface you’ve been trained to recognize since childhood
> I also use it for coding and love it: https://github.com/dtinth/comic-mono-font
I'm not sure if my taste is just awful but that actually looks amazing for programming. Going to give it a try (and see how long it takes my coworkers to notice).
I'm working to improve it every week but already happy with it, I've built my own blog system with NextJS and the code is public at
I love my portfolio site: https://yagmurcetintas.com/
It started as a portfolio to get a job as a web developer, but it became more and more fun to work with over the past 2 years and I started to feel genuine love to it. It kept me motivated to move on and learn more when I was feeling empty and useless.
Here's the source code if you want to check: https://github.com/cakebatterandsprinkles/portfolio-gatsby
Personal website, portfolio, and teaching area to help anyone become a better software engineer.
I've been starting to write more about React and TypeScript. I've been slowly creating a guide to walk coworkers through the technologies.
It's generally a terrible idea to write your own website to do this instead of just using a blogging platform. It's been fun to deeply customize some things (iFrames for mini browsers showing React code), but writing the code to send out half decent emails has been a nightmare (https://github.com/ethanmick/ethanmick.com/blob/main/pages/e...). Anyways, any feedback is appreciated!
Source code: https://github.com/ethanmick/ethanmick.com
I blog about things which interest me (mostly JS and creative code related), but also take Japanese language notes as I learn. Also part of the 250KB club!
It's built with my own hand-rolled static site generator, and I'm pretty proud of it's capabilities now. I've got a bunch of indieweb features integrated into it. I have no sense of style though!
Source: https://github.com/qubyte/qubyte-codes
- Pre-rendered static files so you can view the site without JS (Front page "terminal" animation and possibly the contact page won't work)
- Blog backed by JSON
- Built with Vue
- Hosted on GH pages/backed by Cloudflare
Source: https://github.com/kushagharahi/kushagharahi.github.io
Kavita is a fast, feature rich, cross platform reading server. Built with the goal of being a full solution for all your reading needs. Setup your own server and share your reading collection with your friends and family.
I've been working on this for just over a year now. Started it to learn .net and build myself a self-hosted reading server since the different software out there were pretty bare bones on had a UX I didn't personally like.
Really fun project that I've learned a ton on and so much more to do.
Source Code: https://github.com/Kareadita/Kavita