Try out some queries from your browser history and see if anything beats google. Other engines are more likely to beat google for queries that google has failed at.
Majority of engines were found at below link. Surprisingly many engines use the same indices, for example duckduckgo is mostly just privacy-protected bing. Big thanks to Rohan Kumar.
A proxy is needed to bypass iframe restrictions for most websites. I used this x-frame-bypass client js code [https://github.com/niutech/x-frame-bypass] which (previously?) used proxy.megatunger.com . That free proxy could be recording your queries, who knows, so use caution.
If (when actually) that proxy goes down I think I'll set up something like CORSflare to have a more reliable and trustworthy alternative. [https://github.com/Darkseal/CORSflare]
I hacked this together over about one workday in total so it's likely to have significant issues. You can comment them here or (preferably) file an issue on the repo: [https://github.com/qpwo/searchall/]
There's also a demo video on the repo if the site goes down but you wanted to see how it looks. Feel free to file feature requests on the repo as well. If you'd rather copy it and make your own version then that's fine too.
I'll try to reply to all comments here.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
Try out some queries from your browser history and see if anything beats google. Other engines are more likely to beat google for queries that google has failed at.
Majority of engines were found at below link. Surprisingly many engines use the same indices, for example duckduckgo is mostly just privacy-protected bing. Big thanks to Rohan Kumar.
A proxy is needed to bypass iframe restrictions for most websites. I used this x-frame-bypass client js code [https://github.com/niutech/x-frame-bypass] which (previously?) used proxy.megatunger.com . That free proxy could be recording your queries, who knows, so use caution.
If (when actually) that proxy goes down I think I'll set up something like CORSflare to have a more reliable and trustworthy alternative. [https://github.com/Darkseal/CORSflare]
I hacked this together over about one workday in total so it's likely to have significant issues. You can comment them here or (preferably) file an issue on the repo: [https://github.com/qpwo/searchall/]
There's also a demo video on the repo if the site goes down but you wanted to see how it looks. Feel free to file feature requests on the repo as well. If you'd rather copy it and make your own version then that's fine too.
I'll try to reply to all comments here.
Try out some queries from your browser history and see if anything beats google. Other engines are more likely to beat google for queries that google has failed at.
Majority of engines were found at below link. Surprisingly many engines use the same indices, for example duckduckgo is mostly just privacy-protected bing. Big thanks to Rohan Kumar.
A proxy is needed to bypass iframe restrictions for most websites. I used this x-frame-bypass client js code [https://github.com/niutech/x-frame-bypass] which (previously?) used proxy.megatunger.com . That free proxy could be recording your queries, who knows, so use caution.
If (when actually) that proxy goes down I think I'll set up something like CORSflare to have a more reliable and trustworthy alternative. [https://github.com/Darkseal/CORSflare]
I hacked this together over about one workday in total so it's likely to have significant issues. You can comment them here or (preferably) file an issue on the repo: [https://github.com/qpwo/searchall/]
There's also a demo video on the repo if the site goes down but you wanted to see how it looks. Feel free to file feature requests on the repo as well. If you'd rather copy it and make your own version then that's fine too.
I'll try to reply to all comments here.