-🎄- 2021 Day 8 Solutions -🎄-

This page summarizes the projects mentioned and recommended in the original post on /r/adventofcode

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  1. Advent-of-Code

    Advent of Code (by michaeljgallagher)

    It was fun figuring out the logic for decoding the numbers. Sets were pretty handy

  2. CodeRabbit

    CodeRabbit: AI Code Reviews for Developers. Revolutionize your code reviews with AI. CodeRabbit offers PR summaries, code walkthroughs, 1-click suggestions, and AST-based analysis. Boost productivity and code quality across all major languages with each PR.

    CodeRabbit logo
  3. AdventOfCode2021

    Advent of code 2021 (by marcodelmastro)

  4. advent-of-code-2021

    Common lisp solutions to Advent of Code 2021 (by blake-watkins)

    I made another solution (Common Lisp) which I like better than my original one, even though there's more code supporting it (https://github.com/blake-watkins/advent-of-code-2021/blob/main/day8.lisp). The essential functions are:

  5. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 solutions in Haskell (by LilyRose2798)

    Nice, you had the same idea as my Haskell solution.

  6. advent-of-code

    My Advent of Code solutions through the years - mostly JS (by davidsharp)

    Basically just solved it like a puzzle

  7. AoC

    my personal repo for the advent of code yearly challenge (by Fadi88)

    ditto, same approch i used also inpython

  8. advent-of-code-2021

    My Kotlin solution for AoC 2021 (by henningBunk)

  9. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
  10. adventofcode

    Solutions for problems from AdventOfCode.com (by bhosale-ajay)

    F#, Took a different approach after solving it in TypeScript. Only need correct mapping for b, d, and e segment. Happy about the clean and simple F# code as compare to TypeScript.

  11. advent-of-code-2021

    My solutions for Advent of Code 2021 (by ypisetsky)

    Python3, 6124/137.

  12. z3

    The Z3 Theorem Prover

    Python 3, using https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3 to find a satisfying assignment of segments for each line of input.... which is terribly slow (it's still running), and stressing my CPU fans, but I believe it will work!

  13. AOC

    Advent of Code solutions (by BreadFish64)

  14. adventofcode

    Answers to Advent of Code (by viceroypenguin)

  15. AoC2021

    Advent of Code 2021 solutions (JS) (by kunalb)

    Full solution at https://github.com/kunalb/AoC2021/blob/main/js/day08.js

  16. adventofcode

    Advent of Code solutions of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 in Scala (by sim642)

    My Scala solution.

  17. aoc2021

    My solutions to Advent of Code 2021. (by ritobanrc)

    Rust -- part 1 was fairly easy, but I had absolutely no clue how to do part 2 for a long time. I ended up just brute forcing it, trying every single possible wire re-arrangement (thanks itertools::permutations). I used a bitmask to represent which lights were on (no idea if its necessary), but it was a fun exercise trying to get the bit fiddling right -- I was pleasantly surprised when it just worked (ig that's the benefit of writing small, fairly self-contained routines). My initial answer for part 2 was also reversed (3535 instead of 5353), which is why there's a rev in there near the end. Overall, very fun challenge -- I enjoyed not knowing how to approach it initially, and I'm sure lots of people will have far more clever solutions.

  18. PeterAdventOfCode

    Discontinued My solutions to Advent of Code problems

    Lots of fun with sets

  19. AdventOfCode2021

  20. advent-of-code-go

    All 10 years of adventofcode.com solutions in Go/Golang (and a little Python); 2015-2024

  21. AdventOfCode2021

  22. aoc

    🎄 advent of code 414⭐ (by MasterMedo)

    Python 505/180 featured on github

  23. aoc-2021

    Advent of Code 2021 solutions (by kupych)


  24. aoc

    Advent of Code solutions in Go (by sebnyberg)

  25. Advent-of-Code-2021

    Advent of Code Solutions 2021 in Python (by DenverCoder1)

  26. advent-2021

    Link to solution

  27. advent-of-code-2021

    Advent of Code 2021 Submissions (by mariotacke)

  28. advent-of-code

    Solutions, scripting, and templates for adventofcode.com (by Javran)

    Haskell, both parts: https://github.com/Javran/advent-of-code/blob/master/src/Javran/AdventOfCode/Y2021/Day8.hs

  29. advent_of_code

    Python, had a ton of fun figuring this out. You all have elegant solutions, I have my cute little seven switch and a bunch of brute forcing. Code here!

  30. Advent_of_Code_in_Pascal

    My solutions to the Advent of Code, in Free Pascal

    Pascal 3590/5744

  31. adventofcode

    https://adventofcode.com (by mjlshen)

  32. AdventOfCode

    My Advent of Code solutions throughout the years. Mainly C#. (by hymccord)

  33. deno_aoc

    🎄 Advent of code solutions written in TypeScript for Deno.

  34. aoc

  35. advent-of-code

    Discontinued My solutions to the annual Advent of Code (by Mango0x45)

    Python 3

  36. advent-of-code

    All my advent of code projects (by snowe2010)

  37. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 Solutions (by nlowe)

    Go, 1538 / 4240

  38. adventofcode

    Advent of Code (by georgevreilly)

    I worked out a collection of equations that gave me each segment through set algebra. Here's the relevant piece in Python. Complete solution here

  39. advent-of-code-2021

    2021's Advent of Code (by ollien)

  40. adventofcode2021

    Golang + Prolog

  41. advent

    🎄 My Advent of Code solutions (by rossmacarthur)

    Rust solution using bitmasks

  42. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 solutions (by kupuguy)

    My day 8 solution is a bit long to paste in here easily: https://github.com/kupuguy/aoc2021/blob/main/src/day8.py

  43. adventofcode2021

    🎄 My solutions to the 2021 of "Advent of Code". (by khalilliu)

    part1 part2

  44. advent-of-code-2021

    AOC in go (by alextanhongpin)

  45. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 (by Emerald-Element)

  46. advent-of-code

    My solutions for Advent of Code (https://adventofcode.com/) (by mbjackson7)

    7994 - [Part 1]

  47. AdventOfCode

    My Java implementation for both parts.

  48. AdventOfCode

  49. adventofcode-2021-solutions

    Solutions for Advent of Code 2021 edition

  50. AoC

    Advents of Code in NASM x86_64 assembly (by JustinHuPrime)

    Part 1 wasn't too bad- I decided against parsing the strings and just counted based on string length.

  51. aoc

    Advent of Code Implementations (by Ashyaa)

    Available on GitHub.

  52. advent-of-code-2021

  53. advent-of-code

    Common Lisp. Lost four hours to trying to force a backtracking approach lmao :/

  54. python_aoc

    Advent of Code 2021, 2022 in Python


  55. advent-of-code

    My solutions to advent of code problems (by jtrinklein)

  56. aoc2021

    Discontinued Advent of code 2021 in JS (by TheAngularGuy)

  57. Advent-of-Code

    Solution in Kotlin: https://github.com/Shockah/Advent-of-Code/blob/master/src/pl/shockah/aoc/y2021/Day8.kt

  58. An approach in Python!

  59. adventofcode

    Advent of Code challenge solutions (by flwyd)

    Raku, 9341 / 11194. Linked code derives segment properties from a list of digits; the original code for submission hard-coded segment-count-to-presence and segment-count-to-absence values, which was shorter but less elegant. Part 1 is a 1-liner after parsing: [+] ($_.grep(so *.chars == any(2,3,4,7)).elems for $.parsed.made)

  60. Advent-of-Code-2021

    Made it through all 25 days of Advent of Code for the second time! (by Leftfish)

    Here's my approach (I have no CS background) in Python. In short:

  61. AdventOfCode2021

    See my solution on GitHub.

  62. adventofcode-2021

    Advent of Code 2021 solutions (by pille1842)

    This was a pain in the butt and I solved it with ugly spaghetti code. Because my patience was really starting to run out. Source code

  63. adventofcode

    ES6 solutions to Advent of Code puzzles. (by surgi1)

  64. aoc

    Discontinued Advent of Code - mscha's Perl 6 solutions (by mscha)

    Raku, see GitHub.

  65. AOC-2021

    adventofcode.com (by matilde-t)

    I'm so proud I solved part 2 in python just by using digits 7, 4 and 8. You don't need to know the exact correspondence of all the segments. Here's my solution

  66. advent-of-clojure

    clo clo clo

    Clojure, for sure my worst one yet. BUT, I did get to use `clojure.set/invert-map` twice, so I count that as a partial win.

  67. Advent-of-code-2021-golang

    Advent of code 2021 Go solutions

  68. aocc

    Advent of Code solutions in C

  69. advent-of-code-solutions

    My JS solutions for https://adventofcode.com/ (by AugustsK)

  70. Advent_of_Code2021

    Solutions to Advent of COde 2021 (by cettt)

    Inspired by this solution I cleaned my code a little: Code with comments on github

  71. advent-of-code

  72. adventofcode

    Some flavors of implementations for the Advent of Code challenges (by gansanay)

    Python 3, O(n log n) for part 2 if I am not mistaken

  73. AdventOfCode2021

    Advent of Code 2021 (by SandstromHenrik)

  74. AdventOfCode

    Advent of code daily challenge (by WilliamLP)

  75. Advent-of-Code

    bad christmas spaghett (by YelovSK)

    This is my first solution for part 2, it runs instantly but it's ugly af - GitHub solution.

  76. AdventOfCode

    Solutions to Advent of Code 2021 - 2023 (by statneutrino)

  77. AdventOfCode

    Advent of Code Solutions over the years (by tetrisdev)

    Python 3 Decode the mapping of each segment in a 7-seg display, then decode the input with that built up dictionary. Could probably improve that mapping in some way, as it's really ugly. However once i've gotten that logic down Part A and B become very easy. Solution A & B

  78. aoc-2021

    Part 1

  79. advent-of-code-2021

    Discontinued Advent of Code (2021) Kotlin (by chrisleow)

    Generic pure-logic Kotlin solution, works with any non-conflicting configuration of digits :)

  80. advent-2021

    Advent Of Code - 2021 (by luxcem)

  81. advent-of-code

    My contribution to the Advent of Code (by yalit)

    Javascript : solution here

  82. advent-of-code

    Advent of Code in python3 (by lehippie)

  83. adventofcode

    Advent of Code in Elixir (by cybrox)

  84. adventofcode

    My AdventOfCode implementations (by nielsutrecht)

    Day 8

  85. advent-of-code-2021

    AoC in Kotlin (by Davichet-e)


  86. aoc-excel-2021

    Advent of Code 2021 entirely in Excel without VBA

    Today's and all previous days solutions here

  87. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 (by sotolf2)

  88. adventofcode

    Advent of code solutions (by SuddenGunter)

    Part1: https://github.com/SuddenGunter/adventofcode/blob/main/2021/day8/lib/task1.ex

  89. advent-of-code-2021

    Discontinued Code I used for solving https://adventofcode.com/2021 (by pavel1269)

  90. advent-of-code-2021

    Part 1 - one liner becaue why not

  91. adventofcode

    https://adventofcode.com/2021/ (by Torakushi)

  92. advent_of_code

    Advent of Code solutions (by domm)

  93. aoc

    Anyone interested in the implementation or in further documentation can go to my GitHub.

  94. aoc-2021

    Discontinued Advent of Code 2021 [Moved to: https://github.com/TenViki/advent-of-code] (by TenViki)

    Not the best but it works https://github.com/TenViki/aoc-2021/tree/main/08

  95. AdventOfCode

  96. aoc2021

    Advent of Code, edition 2021, in Python (by kwentine)

    My solution in python.

  97. adventofcode.sh

    Advent of Code 2020 and 2015, done in bash. Because why not?

  98. aoc

    Discontinued Advent of Code solutions (by sjmulder)

    Interesting though that we ended up with a very similar approach from different angles - it seems like you thought about the problem and came up with how to identify the digits based on segments, whereas I chose to look at the data detached from any meaning and found that intersection counts yielded a unique sorting key - but that's in fact the very same thing.

  99. adventofcode2021

    our team's solutions for advent of code 2021 (by northflank)

  100. advent-of-code

    My Advent of Code answers (by tcsullivan)

    Clojure (GitHub). For part 2, I did process of elimination to decode the remaining digits based on the already solved digits. For example, the segments for 2 can be determined by subtracting the segments for 7 from the 5-segment digits (2, 3, 5); 2 will be the only digit with three segments remaining.

  101. advent-of-code

    My solutions to the Advent of Code (by aaronreidsmith)

    Scala. Similar to others, just counted the output lengths for part 1 and used the overlap with 1/4 method for part 2.

  102. Advent

    Advent of Code (by andrewscodedump)

    I'm sure it could be tidied up: github

  103. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 on my homemade 16-bit CPU SCAMP (by jes)

  104. adventofcode-21

    Advent of Code 2021 (https://adventofcode.com/)

    JS solution

  105. aoc2021

    as always: https://github.com/gerolfscherr/aoc2021/blob/main/src/AOC8.java part 1 was trivial, part two required surprisingly much code.

  106. Advent-of-Code-2021

    Solutions for Advent of Code 2021 (by agubelu)

    Rust [code] [explanation]

  107. aoc-2021

    Advent of Code (AoC) 2021 solutions (by egel-lang)

    the sauce

  108. AdventOfCode


  109. scamp-cpu

    A homebrew 16-bit CPU with a homebrew Unix-like-ish operating system.

    I made the computer myself: https://github.com/jes/scamp-cpu/

  110. AoC2021

  111. Advent-of-Code

    soluzioni per advent of code 2021 (by naddi96)

    https://github.com/naddi96/Advent-of-Code-2021/blob/main/Day 8 Seven Segment Search/f.py

  112. adventofcode

    adventofcode.com solutions (by linl33)

  113. advent2021

    Advent of Code 2021 in Rust (by jeremylt)

  114. Katas

    Katas I've done (by TeoDiaz)

  115. AdventOfCode2021

  116. AoC2021

    Advent of Code 2021 (by gereons)

  117. AdventOfCode2021

    I'm sure I can clean up my part 2, but it works, and it works swiftly, so we'll see how much I bother to think about it.

  118. adventofcode

    Advent of code (by drbaggy)

    Perl solution... compact without comments.. See https://github.com/drbaggy/adventofcode/blob/main/2021/day-08/pt2.pl for commented version....

  119. advent-of-code-2021

    Advent of Code 2021 (by Kamik423)

    I created a mapping matrix and found a way to normalize the matrix by swapping rows and columns until it reached a standard form. Thus I could correlate code words to numbers. GitHub with commented code.

  120. adventofcode2021

    https://adventofcode.com/2021/about (by wbh1)

    Did something similar in Python, but a little wordier.

  121. AdventOfCode2021

    My uhhh very verbal Liberty BASIC solution... I really did miss pre-implemented string- or datastruture manipulation functions available in python more than on the other days. Ended up with 199 lines haha (including some leftover prints and comments)

  122. adventofcode

    Advent of code solutions (by mathsaey)

  123. AdventOfCode2021

    I have what might be the ugliest solution in all of C#, but it works!!!!! solution

  124. advent-of-code-2021

    My solutions to advent of code 2021 in deno/TS (by J-Swift)

  125. Advent-of-Code-2021

    JavaScript - Part 2

  126. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 solutions in TS (by mattvperry)

  127. AdventOfCode

    Playing around with http://adventofcode.com/ (by stormsweeper)

    Part 1: https://github.com/stormsweeper/AdventOfCode/blob/master/2021/day08/php/segment_displays.php (~50ms exec time)

  128. AoC-2021-rust

    So yep, my solution is way harder to read than yours, twice as long, and ~1000 times slower :'D

  129. Advent-Of-Code

    I think today was very difficult because of the way the problem was layed out. Most of what you need to do for part2 was explained in part1 for no reason and the example werent exhaustive. I tried doing it with sets, then I also tried bruteforcing it and in the end I ended up doing a more manual approach which is very ugly but I am too tired to refactor rigth now. Part1 and part2 in Javascript.

  130. adventofcode

    🎄 Advent of Code (by microhod)


  131. advent_of_code

    C - https://github.com/purport/advent_of_code/blob/main/2021/day08.c

  132. advent-of-code

    part 2 took me a bit to work out mentally how you could programmatically determine the mappings. I ended up settling on using some set logic. I typed up some notes if anyone cares to read.

  133. advent-code

    Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles

    Day 8 - PHP solution

  134. AdventOfCode2021

    My Solutions for Advent of Code 2021 https://adventofcode.com/2021/ (by johnpmay)


  135. aoc

    My solutions to the https://adventofcode.com/ (by vollcheck)

    My solution in Clojure. It was pretty loooooong and still leaves couple points of possible improvement.

  136. advent-of-code

    Collection of 2021's Advent of Code solutions in Python (by barrezif)

  137. adventofcode

    scala efforts in the advent of code. (by dr-jerry)

    Nice challenge and reminded of the days I was taught Prolog in University. But I'm afraid I did not really solve it the prolog way. Instead a very dirty solution in Scala, looking at sizes and being subset of earlier patterns. Found some nicer examples in other repos.

  138. advent-of-code-rs

    Remmy's Advent of Code solutions


  139. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 - my answers

    My Kotlin, Python, and Rust are following the same approach, although I didn't convert my Python solution to bit sets because it didn't seem to have a performance benefit there.

  140. AdventOfCode

    Advent of Code Solutions (by auxym)

  141. aoc-2021

    Advent of Code 2021 with C#/LINQ (by jasonincanada)

    C# solution with a manual deduction process (one of many possible no doubt) that I figured out in the hours after midnight, then I slept on it and it took all morning to actually code the thing, but I like the result. Again a sprinkling of LINQ makes it bearable to write and read

  142. AdventOfCode2021_Java

    Advent of Code puzzles from 2021, in (terrible) Java.


  143. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 (by xphade)

  144. Advent-of-code-2021

    Discontinued [Moved to: https://github.com/Toanuvo/Advent-of-code] (by Toanuvo)

  145. 2021-advent-of-code

    My solutions to the 2021 advent of code (by MarcelRobitaille)


  146. AdventOfCode2021

    Advent of code 2021 in F# (by dsshep)

    Another F# solution, for anyone who's interested: https://github.com/DurdSoft/AdventOfCode2021/blob/main/AdventOfCode2021/Day8.fs

  147. AdventOfCode2021


  148. AdventOfCode_2021

  149. Advent2021

    That sounds pretty much like my C# solution, except I used a bitmask instead of sorting.

  150. adventofcode

    🎅 Repo where anyone can solve puzzles from adventofcode.com (by kolonialno)

  151. aoc

    My solutions to adventofcode.com (by ciscou)

  152. adventofcode

    Advent of Code 🎄 (by markus-k)

    My solution in Rust. It’s certainly not perfect, but it took me long enough to post it here.

  153. advent-of-code-2021

    Advent of code 22021 (by RansomTime)

  154. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021, in Rust (by Killavus)


  155. AdventOfCode-2021

    AdventOfCode (2021) Python, Scala, maybe Zig (by KevinDuringWork)

    Solution (ammonite). Though this one was interesting; brute force worked on first try but scratched an itch which led to full on rash of optimizations that can be done.

  156. aoc

    Advent of Code Solutions (by joeyemerson)

  157. aoc2021

    Advent of code 2021 in Kotlin! (by crnkofe)

  158. advent-of-code-2021

    Python 3.9 part 1 and part 2 using Z3, which runs in about 18-20s.Describing constraints for this still makes me scratch my head.

  159. aoc2021

    Go / Golang with contains and sorting to match. Could use some cleanup and a good set logic... But run out of time. :D

  160. adventofcode2021

    Anyhow, my code: https://github.com/emteeoh/adventofcode2021/blob/main/8/8.py

  161. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 (by Legolaszstudio)

    Part 1 is pretty straightforward: https://github.com/Legolaszstudio/aoc2021/blob/main/Day8/08.cpp

  162. advent-of-code

    Solutions for Advent of Code puzzles (by aweneer)

    C# After wrapping my head around part two for some time I had to take paper and figure out the mappings. Probably could be a bit cleaner, but overall I'm happy with the code and the fact I figured it out on my own. GitHub

  163. advent_of_code_2021

    Solutions of Advent Of Code 2021 in crystal (by dseres)

  164. advent-of-code

    Watch me give up half way through >_> (by gabts)

  165. aoc

  166. aoc

    Advent of code (by nibarius)

    My Kotlin solution

  167. SV-97

    Okay I'm fighting github actions at the moment but I can direct link the pdf of the writeup: https://github.com/SV-97/SV-97.github.io/blob/master/assets/pdfs/2021-12-08-aoc21-8/aoc21-8.pdf

  168. AoC2021

    Advent of Code 2021 (Python) (by carsongmiller)

    Python (Part 2: 54ms)

  169. AdventOfCode2021FSharp

    Solutions for Advent of Code 2021 in F#

    Here's my solution in F# in Juptyer Notebook. For Part 2, used a process of elimination for mapping the other patterns. The Seq.except method became very useful.

  170. adventofcode

    And part2 is here. Executes in about 40ms on my machine.

  171. adventofcode2021

    Advent Of Code 2021 solution in Go ☃️🎄🎁🦌🎅 (by alokmenghrajani)

    https://github.com/alokmenghrajani/adventofcode2021/blob/main/day08/day08_gophersat.go if you want to see how to solve today's with a SAT solver. IMHO, it's cleaner with z3 but the two versions are quite similar.

  172. aoc2021

  173. advent-of-code

    Advent of code solutions (by tallbikeguy)

  174. advent-of-code-2021

    Discontinued https://adventofcode.com/ (by hadronized)

    Rust solution, which was pretty fun to code, especially part 2. :)

  175. aoc

    Advent of Code (by c-kk)

    Solution: https://github.com/c-kk/aoc/blob/master/2021-go/day08/solve.go

  176. Advent-of-Code

    My solutions in Python to the incredible advent of code problems (by Rhys-Alexander)

    GitHub: https://github.com/Gallahad072/Advent-of-Code/blob/master/2021/8.py

  177. AdventofCode2021

  178. advent-of-code-2021

    I challenge you to write a worse solution than mine

  179. AdventOfCode2021


  180. advent-of-code-2021

  181. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 - z/OS Flask REST Solutions (runnning python and REXX lol) (by wizardofzos)

  182. AOC2021

    Advent of Code 2021 (by Rakicy)

  183. advent-of-code-2021

    My solutions in Python 3: https://github.com/prendradjaja/advent-of-code-2021/blob/main/08--seven-segment-search/b.py

  184. advent_of_code

    Did part 2 in Z3. It's a pretty inefficient solution, but it does work.

  185. advent-of-code

    Advent of Code puzzles (by KT421)

  186. advent-of-code-2021

    zig solutions to advent of code 2021 (by jchevertonwynne)

  187. advent-of-code-2021

  188. scrapyard

    Space for notes and experiments while learning the Rust programming language

    Rust solution, commented both solutions to clearly explain the used logic.

  189. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 (by foolnotion)

    github solution

  190. advent

    Advent of code in Racket (by hencq)


  191. aoc2021

    Advent of Code - 2021 (by en0)

    Day 8 part 2 in python using set operations. https://github.com/en0/aoc2021/blob/main/08/p2.py

  192. advent2021

  193. aoc

    Advent of Code (by jjorissen52)

  194. advent-of-code-2021

    Haskell - parsing code left out because it is in another file. Full code here: https://github.com/FractalBoy/advent-of-code-2021/blob/main/src/Day8.hs

  195. advent-2021

    Discontinued [Moved to: https://github.com/Crazytieguy/advent-of-code] (by Crazytieguy)

    Rust Each segment has a unique combination of the number of times it appears, and the set of segment counts in the digits it appears in. Using this information I make a decoder without having to hard code an algorithm. https://github.com/Crazytieguy/advent-2021/blob/master/src/bin/day8/main.rs

  196. AdventOfCode-2021

    Github Link

  197. advent-of-code-2021

    It's so... inelegant. I quickly solved the sample entry on paper and then implemented it. github link

  198. advent_of_code_2021

    Golang solutions to advent of code 2021 (by Stefansfrank)

    My code is NOT optimized for brevity but for a balance of execution speed and readability. As this is not a brute force solution, speed does not really matter - otherwise the manual statements mentioned in the beginning are most likely faster than my fingerprint comparison. It runs on my MacBook in 1.5 ms if I suppress the repeated text output that is in the Github version (3 ms with all the text output).

  199. AdventOfCode


  200. adventofcode

    Advent of Code! https://adventofcode.com/ (by dfontana)

    Rust ~285us.

  201. advent-of-code-2021

    All solutions for the 2021 Advent of Code event. (by Bruception)

  202. advent-of-code

    Advent of code solutions (by rbusquet)

  203. AoC

  204. Advent-of-Code-2021


  205. AdventCode

  206. advent_of_code

    Solutions to programming puzzles on Advent of Code (by Praful)

    Code is on GitHub.

  207. AdventOfCode2021

    AdventOfCode 2021 solutions (by Meldanor)

  208. AdventOfCode2021

    My solutions to https://adventofcode.com/2021 (by willkill07)

  209. AdventofCode

  210. AdventOfCode2021.jl

    Advent of Code 2021 in Julia

  211. adventofcode

    Python 3.8 solution damn it took me 3 days to complete the part 2 for stupid attention error. Figuring out that counting letters in the sequence diagram was a huuuuge leap forward. Also sorting the letters.

  212. advent-of-code-2021

    Discontinued Advent of Code - 2021 (by dkhundley)

  213. AdventOfCode

    C# solutions for Advent of Code (by Rekkonnect)

  214. advent-of-code-21

    So ugly, but got it done.

  215. Coding

    Coding for fun (by GaloisGirl)

  216. advent-of-code-julia


  217. AdventOfCode

  218. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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