Still missing named/default parameters. I know that's a bit of a controversial addition, but the boilerplate from alternative methods (such as the builder pattern) really bothers me. The RFC about adding this is here if anyone is interested. Seems to be generally approved of, but the implementation is difficult.
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I have mixed feelings about this one. I have wanted a version of HashSet::get_or_insert_owned since I first started playing with Rust around 1.0 and it's more or less stagnant for years, but more often than not I appreciate the care and effort it takes to get something very close to right and avoid too much incidental complication and baggage.
As a beginner Rust developer, the lack of tutorials for a lot of things is really frustrating. Very often the response to "how to do X" is "read the docs," but when all there is is what's on docs.rs it can get really overwhelming very quickly.
Have you looked into either abi_stable (a crate that handles the repr(C) stuff for you with a focus aimed at making DLLs) or Wasmer (an embeddable WebAssembly runtime that would mean mods compiled for x86 Windows would also work on PowerPC Linux and ARM macOS)?
Have you looked into abi_stable, flapigen, interoptopus, cbindgen, PyO3, or rust-cpython?
Have you looked into abi_stable, flapigen, interoptopus, cbindgen, PyO3, or rust-cpython?
Can recommend puffin. Won't be as feature complete as the others, but it's implemented in Rust and seems to work quite well once it's setup.
I also understand that the Rust team doesn't "want to take sides", but IMHO, there should be a curated list of well-supported libraries with a good track record, or some sort of epic filtering function in crates.io (but maybe I've missed it, because I'm adverse to installing dependencies unless I _really_ have to, or an alternative implementation gives much better performance, such as crossbeam vs std channels).
If you can use nightly, just use https://github.com/withoutboats/propane
Yes, I have one more example that personally affects me. I made discord bots in Python. And the pong example of Serenity was a lot of code. https://github.com/serenity-rs/serenity as compared with discordpy https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/quickstart.html
As someone coming from Python, I've had more than enough opaque duck-typed errors from urwid and I'd like my error messages to fit on one page.
If you really want duck-typing, take a look at how the validator crate uses macros to achieve something similar. (Seriously. It was a real head-scratcher the first time I discovered it would accept and use my impls as long as the method names matched.)
without trolling https://github.com/rust-lang/project-error-handling exist and is far from having strong conclusion and anyway I will always favor enum Error anyway however I like the idea to have a opaque box in the enum for "this is a opaque error you can't deal with as a user of my api"
You'd prefer that people like me follow the road the Go ecosystem did and write goformat as a replacement for gofmt or just continue to hand-format everything?