Automagically hide/show a window by its name when the cursor is within a defined region or you mouse over it.
The automatic hiding/showing of the bar is handled by a script called hideIt.sh. This script is a very fancy and highly configurable solution for hiding / showing any system window by only knowing their name. I have modified this script quite a bit to be able to move my main polybar together with the system tray and to support my popup bar in terms of hiding it at the right moment as well as to support pinning.
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Regarding dependencies, for normal text, I use Hack Nerd font. The materialicons font is used for all icons in my polybar and the dark forest font is used for my i3wm workspace display.
For the cava audio visualizer module you can see in the popup bar, you need a font that is able to display these unicode block characters, as well as cava installed on you system. You can find the repo for setup in you own bar on my GitLab.
All needed scripts can be found in .config/polybar/scripts. I made it easy to configure them (if needed) by using global variables at the top of each script.