Hello, I've recently stumbled across this project from Gluon and I've been wondering for some days how the project actually works. I've read the source code, but it appears that no code is responsible for implementing the hundreds of classes that make up JavaFX. Does this mean that JavaFX can work out of the box on IOS and Android but there didn't use to be a way to compile the code to a native executable for said platforms? Thanks in advance
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You find them in the JavaFX project. E.g. https://github.com/openjdk/jfx/tree/master/modules/javafx.media/src/main/native/jfxmedia/platform/ios
You can build a mobile app with GraalVM Native Image and JavaFX, but without Gluon - I have one such example: https://github.com/makingthematrix/scalaonandroid/tree/main/HelloFXML
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