I see that there are a lot of README templates online that I think would help, but that's not really what I want. The thing with these templates is that they're really more geared towards contributing to an open source project or some node package, which is NOT what my component is. It's an internal component, and I need some document that helps explain how the component works.
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A NodeJS Skeleton based in Clean Architecture to use TypeScript with ExpressJS, KoaJS or any other web server framework. Please give star to project to show respect to author and effort. 🤗
Do you mean something like this? What you're asking sounds an awful lot like writing documentation for a lib, and judging how docs are hit or miss I'd guess there's no guide of how to structure. But hey, it may just be your niche!
C4-PlantUML combines the benefits of PlantUML and the C4 model for providing a simple way of describing and communicate software architectures
If I was you, I'd create at least the level 1 & 2 using this tool: https://github.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML