SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
A new Look-and-Feel (LaF) for Java, which allows for a grid-based display of Unicode characters with custom fore/background colors, font sizes, and pseudo-shaders. Originally designed for developing Roguelike/lite games.
VTerminal - A new Swing LaF which allows for a grid-based display of Unicode characters with custom fore/background colors, font sizes, and pseudo-shaders.
A Java implementation of various procedural name generation algorithms, including combinatorial, consonant vowel, context-free grammar, and Markov chain.
VNameGenerator - Rough implementations of a number of popular name generation algorithms.
Skyve is an open-source low-code platform that gives you access to all of the key capabilities needed to build sophisticated, robust and scalable cloud solutions.
JCSG a CAD kernel
java-bowler a kinematics and hardware interface stack
The CLI and API layer for the Bowler ScriptingEngine and all its dependant libraries.
bowler-scripting-kernel a kernel for the robotics stack with a integrated git and github APIs as the file system
BowlerStudio The source for the IDE
Castle Mock is a web application that provides the functionality to mock out RESTful APIs and SOAP web services.
CastleMock is probably the easiest SOAP and REST mocking application that I have ever tried. Instead of going through loops in SOAP UI to mock SOAP WS I can simply create a mock in a nice UI directly on the server, this ease of use is of tremendous importance to some of the testers I work with.
A Java configuration library that allows you to build your configurations from multiple sources, merges them and convert them into an easy-to-use typesafe configuration class. A simple but powerful interface allows you to navigate to a path within your configurations and retrieve a configuration object, list, or a primitive value. (by gestalt-config)
Flexible and easy to use library to enable your behavorial driven development (BDD) teams to easily collaborate while promoting automation, transparency and reporting.
BDD For All - A simpler way to test APIs - https://github.com/Accenture/bdd-for-all
https://github.com/ksuid/ksuid -- Unique Ids, like UUID, but visually more compact and roughly sortable by creation time.
Nice! I have something for ids, too: https://github.com/phxql/snowflake-id
https://github.com/viise/papka - object-oriented library for working with file tree.
https://github.com/luiinge/maven-java-starter - Parent POM for Java 11 projects with convenient profiles
https://github.com/luiinge/slf4j-ansi - SLF4J wrapper that applies Ansi styles to log message arguments
https://github.com/luiinge/maven-fetcher - Wrapper around Aether to fetch artifacts from Maven repositories programmatically
https://github.com/luiinge/jext - Simple framework for developing Java plugin architectures
FlatLaf - a modern Swing LaF with IntelliJ/Darcula themes, scaling on HiDPI displays, SVG icons and much more...
https://github.com/Gleethos/neureka A tensor/nd-array library inspired by Numpy and PyTorch. Supports:
Been working on a complete reimplementation of a Minecraft server https://github.com/Minestom/Minestom
Probably the one lib that got the best traction was: www.mockneat.com
Apron A better alternative for reading and writing .properties files than java.util.Properties.
Kilt Allows type-safe access to localization bundles (instead of just strings) by generating an enum facade. Supports a translation workflow by exporting localization bundles to XSL(X) for translation and importing them back again
Coat Allows type-safe configurations by generating corresponding classes (e.g. to access a data as LocalDate instead of String; supports custom types).
Testcontainers is a Java library that supports JUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.
EqualsVerifier can be used in Java unit tests to verify whether the contract for the equals and hashCode methods is met.
https://jqno.nl/equalsverifier/ (https://github.com/jqno/equalsverifier/)
Experimental JUnit Jupiter Extension for writing integration tests for Maven plugins/Maven extensions/Maven Core
Testing Maven plugins (https://github.com/khmarbaise/maven-it-extension)