Basic stock ticker using ESP32 and MAX7219 LED Matrix. Produces a webpage so user can input a ticker.
Here it is on github. It uses both cores and the code is messy, but it does work lol 😆
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1) Basic templete for webserver on ESP32 with SPIFFS using ESPAsyncWebserver. You can modify the webpage as you need and customize it as you need. https://github.com/shreyask21/ESP32Webserver
A simple C++ App to communicate with Arduino or any other micro controller via serial port and shut a windows PC down. Examples included are HTML GUI for ESP32 with SPIFFS and simple serial sketch.
2) Simple application from the above templete: https://github.com/shreyask21/serial-shutdown
3) Slightly advanced project using different callbacks with gzipped content: https://github.com/shreyask21/powermeter
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