The Datadog Lambda Extension is an AWS Lambda Extension that supports submitting custom metrics, traces, and logs asynchronously while your AWS Lambda function executes.
In order to track performance which I'll show later on, I'm using the Datadog Lambda Extension to collect my OpenTelemetry Traces.
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🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. (by launchbadge)
I tend to default to as few as possible, which is why when working with SQL and Rust, I almost always reach for SQLx. Setting up SQLx with AWS DSQL requires using the v4 Signature signing of my credentials as fetched from my AWS configuration. I do this work in my main function so that I can reuse the Postgres Pool in my handler without having to establish this connection outside of the Cold Start initializing cycle. That setup is reflected in the below code.
If you were following along with the code, here is the Github Repository/