Proof of concept Kubernetes external (cloud provider) cloud controller manager
As i started to write this post i created a small project and repository where i’ve built my own Cloud Controller Manager by-the-book and compares two tiny Kubernetes (v1.18.2) clusters to each other, one running the CCM and one that doesn’t. It’s a proof-of-concept and aims to show you what exactly you’ll need to run your own CCM. Everything from the code that makes up the CCM to the k8s manifests you’ll need to deploy it.
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Code wise the CCM is part of the k/k repo, take a look here. As mentioned in the official k8s documentation the code for the CCM in k/k can be used as a skeleton for your own implementation. The difference will be the code (packages) you provide and import for interacting with your cloud.
Regarding node labels and how the information about instances, mentioned above, are fetched and added to the Node objects. To give you an example, the OpenStack external CCM does this by either reading the metadata from disk (config disk) or using the metadata service endpoint reachable within each node.
In September of 2016 the enhancement #88 (KEP) issue is created to support out-of-tree cloud providers (pluggable).
SIG Cloud Provider
cloud-provider-gcp contains several projects used to run Kubernetes in Google Cloud
Alibaba Cloud
HUAWEI CLOUD Controller Manager is an external cloud controller manager for running kubernetes in a HUAWEI CLOUD cluster.
Huawei Cloud
Baidu Cloud
Kubernetes Cloud Provider for vSphere https://cloud-provider-vsphere.sigs.k8s.io