It really only likely matters if you're one of those who is tempted to let it run on `` instead of loopback only.
Assuming you're not, there's certainly no urgency to migrate. But keep it in the back of your mind that it's unmaintained, and if things go weirdly wrong during an OS or ruby upgrade, remember that you will need to fix it or pick up something else that's kind of similar.
If you're not already using it, it might be a good idea to pick up something else.
I like [mailpit](https://github.com/axllent/mailpit) because it's a single static binary and because it has a nice api I can use during testing to see if a message made it out of the system I'm testing.
But none of that argues for switching away from a thing that's working for you.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
I use it for testing and local development.
We list it in our docs under 'other services'[0], where it is called out for local development.
Because it has an API[1] you can use it for integration testing as well.
Because it runs in docker, you can use it with any stack, not just ruby.
I would not run it in a prod setting.
0: https://fusionauth.io/docs/get-started/download-and-install/...
1: https://mailcatcher.me/#api
Postal Server is a full featured docker based one that supports inbound and outbound email and has an API. Can be used for dev or production.
This is very useful, I use it with Docker in my Flask course to handle sending email in development tests in a way that doesn't require making an external network call or set anything up on my host.
An example of that is here: https://github.com/nickjj/build-a-saas-app-with-flask/blob/d...
I actively endorse https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog if you want something more Go-flavoured or operationalised.
Does anyone know of a similar tool for catching SMS messages in local/development environment? My company uses mailtrap[0] in our development environments to give engineers and product managers a tool to preview emails that would otherwise be sent to users and we're looking for a similar tool for the SMS messages that we send via Twilio. I'd love to have a shared "inbox" per-development environment where PMs can see all the SMS messages that would have been sent (namely to whom the message was sent + the content of the SMS). Ideally it'd hook into whatever Twilio SDK your app is using to send messages (Python, in our case) to intercept calls and route them to the sandbox instead.
It seems like Twilio played with this idea with the Twilio Dev Phone project[1] but that project doesn't seem to be actively maintained.
[0] https://mailtrap.io
Heh, we started this one 15 years ago now... https://github.com/voodoodyne/subethasmtp
There's also Stalwart which I've been meaning to try out.
Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
Not the same thing, bit VCR and variants can help with testing external api calls (see "ports to other languages"):
I use https://github.com/maildev/maildev, they have a docker image that I run as part of my local dev setup
It seems like almost everyone has written an SMTP server; I use https://github.com/tijn/devmail which has no web interface but a POP server. This is by design so you can see your mail in an actual mail client like Apple's Mail.app or Thunderbird.