https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ is great. I’d been writing Rust for months before I started reading it and still began learning new things from the start. Oh, that’s why it does this!
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This tallies with my experience with Rust. Four years ago I wrote an implementation of the TCL language in Rust (see https://github.com/wduquette/molt). It uses no unsafe code, and includes enough of the language to be useful. But it isn’t terribly efficient, and it’s a bit of a memory hog, and so I started looking at ways to improve it.
I usually like to evolve a code base towards a new architecture a little at a time, keeping it running and passing tests at every step of the way. What I found was that even seemingly small changes required an awful lot of work, as the OP says; if I could make them work at all. Eventually I decided that I’d learned what I’d needed to, and walked away from it. (To be fair, this was late spring or early summer of 2020, everything was peculiar, and I didn’t have the spare mental capacity for the project.)
> I think Rust strikes a pretty good balance with it though
I don’t like that balance.
For performance-critical things like BLAS and other low-level numerical stuff, C++ is safer than unsafe Rust because standard library and tooling (debug heap, debug allocators, ASAN, etc.) evolved for decades making the language usable despite the unsafety. Another thing, for numerical code you probably need SIMD intrinsics. They were defined by Intel, documentation and other learning resources almost exclusively target C language; C++ got them for free due to compatibility.
For high-level pieces which are not that performance critical, I use C#. Due to VM, it’s safer than Rust. Due to GC and other design choices usability is way better than Rust, e.g. in C# asynchronous I/O is almost trivial with async/await. The runtime is cross-platform, I have shipped production-quality embedded ARM Linux applications built mostly with C#. Unlike Java, it’s easy to consume unmanaged C++ DLLs using C API, or even C++ API: see that library to do that on Linux which doesn’t have COM interop in the runtime https://github.com/Const-me/ComLightInterop
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