That's an interesting question. They only depend on a single library, but I wonder how much code is really their own. I found it curious, for example, that there is a dedicated mp4 joiner (I mean, if you already have ffmpeg, there is probably no way you can do it better yourself).
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RSpec tests for your servers configured by CFEngine, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Itamae or anything else even by hand
Serverspec does the same: https://github.com/mizzy/serverspec?tab=readme-ov-file#maint...
on Android YTDLnis solves this very nicely. simply share the video URL to the app and it can download whichever format you like https://github.com/deniscerri/ytdlnis
Nice work. But as a consumer, Why should I use you-get over yt-dlp? What are its strengths over yt-dlp, which works quiet well on a huge range of websites[1]
[1] https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/supportedsites....
A tool and library to losslessly join multiple .mp4 files shot with same camera and settings
That is interesting, huh, yeah they list ffmpeg as a dependency so I wonder what that didn’t cover for them.
Though there are some cases where using pure ffmpeg is just to difficult or impossible. Recently i had such a case where I wanted to merge multiple video files from my GoPro (they come out in 4GB parts if the video is longer than that), but while keeping / correctly merging all metadata such as date / accelerometer / gps / any custom binary streams. Ended up using this and worked great https://github.com/gyroflow/mp4-merge