An audio server, programming language, and IDE for sound synthesis and algorithmic composition.
This is essentially sound design from first principles. There's a good book here: https://www.amazon.com/Designing-Sound-Press-Andy-Farnell/dp... Note that the software used (Pure Data) can be replaced by another high-level language (SuperCollider: https://supercollider.github.io/) pretty easily. I know of no "tool" to do what you want because there are few things that are universal to different kinds of natural and unnatural sound. (Note: study acoustics and psycho-acoustics to better understand why the former is true.)
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Search "physical modeling" on dafx.de: https://www.dafx.de/paper-archive/search.php?q=physical+mode...
You might also like to search "analog modeling" or "virtual analog" for models of analog electronic circuits (distortion pedals, filters, etc.)
Book about modeling, eg., car engines in Pure Data (eg., for games): https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262014410/designing-sound/
You might check out the source code to Émilie Gillet's (of Mutable Instruments) Rings and Elements modules: https://github.com/pichenettes/eurorack
"Designing the Make Noise Erbe-Verb" Reverb Design Lecture": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il_qdtQKnqk&t=18s
Sean Costello's (of Valhalla DSP) blog about mostly reverbs: https://valhalladsp.wordpress.com/
If you need for game reasons, I would advise to inspect the code of OpenAL soft which has lots of interesting concepts implemented and also to read the documentation on Steam Audio - this one is also open source too, so you can take a look on valve's implementation here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-audio
I would at least take a look on how HRTF works as you need to account how humans experience sounds too when simulating audio things.
Some VCV Rack modules do physical modeling. You can also develop your own modules for VCV Rack, as it’s mostly open source.
The two that immediately come to mind are:
- the Tube Unit module from Sapphire: https://github.com/cosinekitty/sapphire/blob/main/TubeUnit.m...
…from the docs:
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