I usually recommend new users to check out Kickstart. It contains a set of plugins and nice to haves so you don't have to discover them your self.
All plugins are in one file + has a lot of comments to help you get started.
ref: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim
Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale. InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
you might want to try linking @variable to Identifier, i think the original author decided to keep @variable unhighlighted to keep the color diff between having `termguicolors` on/off to a minimum (Identifier assumes `termguicolors` is enabled, but for default colorscheme it's likely not always the case).
see https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/26334 and the comments in highlight_group.c
Wow, I love that so much stuff is coming to core!
Every once in a while for the last few years I overhaul my Neovim config and try to add all the new goodies (commenting, LSP, etc., that are table stakes for most IDEs) as plugins using the latest and greatest plugin manager.
That works for a while, but like clockwork, something breaks- a plugin updates incompatibly, Neovim updates incompatibly, an external binary the plugin relies on updates incompatibly...
At this point I'm stuck with a broken IDE and I don't have the energy to debug all the moving parts. I suffer for a month or something and then restart the cycle.
For my latest config, I decided to treat Neovim and "just a text editor" and made a much smaller config ( https://github.com/bbkane/dotfiles/tree/master/nvim-03-lazy ). It's been really nice having something that "just works" for text edits and using VSCode for heavier IDE tasks.
I WANT to use Neovim for more complex tasks, but I also want a simple config that "just works".
I'm really excited that the core devs seem to agree and are adding tablestakes features to core- the new default colorscheme, Treesitter WASM, and better commenting will all make my config even simpler!
At some point I might even try LSP integration again!
There are many great plugins. Telescope, nvim-cmp, treesitter are standard recommendations.
I'll give a shout-out to conform.nvim that gives you very solid format on save functionality that's also easy to setup:
"Nvim 0.10 can now use the OSC 52 escape sequence to write to (or read from) the system clipboard."
This is a big deal! (it shouldn't be, but it is)
My main complaints about vim/emacs in the past was at the sheer complexity of getting something that should not even be a concern (clipboard integration) working properly, when other text/code editors did not have this problem at all.
Searching online, it seems like tmux has some nice documentation related to OSC 52 usage:
I will be playing around with this for a bit to understand it more. But honestly, this is the sort of thing that should "Just Work TM".
"VTE terminals (GNOME terminal, XFCE terminal, Terminator) do not support the OSC 52 escape sequence."
That's a shame, but I'm not against using a different terminal emulator. Up until now I did not really have a good reason to.
> Discovered it’s kind of pain in the ass to get a gui based editor like Intellij to work correctly, especially within a VM.
Depending on your use-case, that's what their Gateway product <https://www.jetbrains.com/remote-development/gateway/> is designed to solve: it runs (effectively) headless IJ in the VM, so indexing and analysis happens there, and then streams the GUI part over a custom protocol to your local IJ to handle the time-sensitive GUI bits
Currently, to the best of my knowledge, they actually do require ssh, so it won't work over AWS SSM nor kubectl exec or similar, but I have high hopes they're going to fix that glaring bug Any Minute Now ™
see also:
- https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/remote.html
- https://jetbrains.github.io/projector-client/mkdocs/latest/i...
- https://github.com/JetBrains/projector-docker#run-jetbrains-...