Standards bodies only standardize things after they've been proven to work. You can't standardize a new idea before offering it to the market. It's hard enough to get just one vendor to experiment with an idea (it literally took me years to convince everyone inside Cloudflare that we should build Durable Objects). Getting N competing vendors to agree on it -- before anything has been proven in the market -- is simply not possible.
But the Durable Objects API is not complicated and there's nothing stopping competing platforms from building a compatible product if they want. Much of the implementation is open source, even. In fact, if you build an app on DO but decide you don't want to host it on Cloudflare, you can self-host it on workerd:
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> Is there any documentation anywhere for this?
PartyKit is open source (https://github.com/partykit/partykit/, MIT), so you could create your own back-end. The Socket.IO folks did: https://blog.partykit.io/posts/party-io-a-socket-io-backend-...
Yeah I agree with it being an exaggeration. They are certainly riding the admittedly dated perception that realtime is so hard it's only available to the Googles and Figmas. But there's now some amazing open source solutions available like Y.js and ElectricSQL[1]. The barrier has certainly come down.
[1] https://github.com/electric-sql/electric