For development/Debugging: 1. VSCode - Got used to the key bindings and integrated terminal, so now it's really hard to switch 2. Requestly - For easily setting up local debugging environments. I am less of a UI guy, so this allows me to use the live UI of a deployed site, and redirect whichever request I want to play with to my local server. 3. Wireshark - To better understand a network protocol.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
https://orbstack.dev/ - Better Docker Experience
`cask "obsidian"` [link][free] for all markdown notes
Hyper in conjunction with fig (I also have iterm2, but I like Hyper pretty well) and brew.
iTerm2, since Terminal.app doesn't support 24-bit colors and I used Neovim for some time. I now use Neovide for Neovim, so all I use iTerm2 for now is the UI (I have a theme I like, plus dark mode actually works).
These are just apps I directly use. You may also like e.g. Fig if you work in the command line and like knowing what actions are supported, though I find Oh My Zsh with autocompletion + on tab suitable.
Secretive, which replaces painfully managing SSH keys from the command line / editor. Getting a Touch ID prompt is so much better, though migrating computers will suck.
Visual Studio Code, since it has a lot of tools I need (though, I don't enjoy using it). Zed is similar but also new, so it doesn't have extensions but is much more pleasant to use (think like a modernized Sublime Text).
🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
These are just apps I directly use. You may also like e.g. Fig if you work in the command line and like knowing what actions are supported, though I find Oh My Zsh with autocompletion + on tab suitable.
iTerm2, since Terminal.app doesn't support 24-bit colors and I used Neovim for some time. I now use Neovide for Neovim, so all I use iTerm2 for now is the UI (I have a theme I like, plus dark mode actually works).
iTerm2, since Terminal.app doesn't support 24-bit colors and I used Neovim for some time. I now use Neovide for Neovim, so all I use iTerm2 for now is the UI (I have a theme I like, plus dark mode actually works).
Xcode, since I work on apps (plus it's useful to build existing ones, like IINA).
Food Truck (if you can count it), which is a reference app for demonstrating how to use SwiftUI.
CotEditor, which is like TextEdit except actually useful for non-text documents (e.g. I write a lot of Markdown in it).
Hyper in conjunction with fig (I also have iterm2, but I like Hyper pretty well) and brew.
https://myray.app/ (when not xdebugging)
The open-source, cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets, SSE and gRPC. With Cloud, Local and Git storage.
https://insomnia.rest/ or https://paw.cloud/
The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click.
Xcodes. Environment manager used to download…
Dash. Look up documentation really fast. Also useful for system wide snippets.
`cask "lepton"` [link][oss] + `cask "masscode"` [link][oss] for storing snippets as github gists or locally
`cask "postman" [link][free] for anything API
Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
`cask "beekeeper-studio"` [link][oss] for anything database
`cask "vscodium"` [link][oss] IDE of choice, I used to use vscode, but prefer the no-telemetry version.
`cask "lens"` [link][oss] for managing Kubernetes clusters
`cask "amethyst"` [link][oss] for `i3` like window management
`cask "alacritty"` [link][oss] terminal of choice, super fast and lightweight. Set up to start everything in `tmux` giving me native tabs / window splitting.
Nushell as default shell
Apple Shortcuts as an interface for my most used ffmpeg, yt-dlp and other frequently used scripts
kdiff3 to compare and merge files and directories
Apple Shortcuts as an interface for my most used ffmpeg, yt-dlp and other frequently used scripts
Hoppscotch - Amazin
Requestly was built to save developers time by intercepting and modifying HTTP Requests. It has now developed into an open-source alternative to Charles Proxy and Telerik Fiddler that works directly in browsers without VPN and proxy Issues. It is used by more than 200,000+ front-end developers and 11,000+ companies worldwide.
For development/Debugging: 1. VSCode - Got used to the key bindings and integrated terminal, so now it's really hard to switch 2. Requestly - For easily setting up local debugging environments. I am less of a UI guy, so this allows me to use the live UI of a deployed site, and redirect whichever request I want to play with to my local server. 3. Wireshark - To better understand a network protocol.