Rust allows me to mainly only run the application to confirm things work from a business perspective.
For people starting out building stuff in rust - understand that there is a distinction of async code and libraries and can lead to confusing compiler errors if you don't realize there is a distinction. It's simple in hindsight but did cause me to waste hours barking up the wrong trees at first. Other wise just learn about `match` and Result/Option types asap, they're fundamental.
https://github.com/http-rs/tide tide is great to create an http server / routes
https://github.com/djc/askama I use this to template out HTML and it checks all my boxes, dynamic data, passing in functions, control flow.
https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx sql interface for a variety of backend, async safe.
https://github.com/seanmonstar/reqwest http client to make requests
Rust is amazing, don't let the initial few speed bumps discourage you - building real things with rust is no more challenging today than any other modern language stack.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
https://tourofrust.com/ is fun. Learning rust has a weird initial learning curve dealing with the aggressive analyzer/compiler and how you have to approach your variables, but after that initial hump it is one of the coziest languages I've used. Having what was initially a bit of a nag, is now a godsend when i'm getting red-squiggles in vscode for a typo in my SQL string for a misnamed column, or a field in my template was removed and so my struct shows how it's now unused.
Rust allows me to mainly only run the application to confirm things work from a business perspective.
For people starting out building stuff in rust - understand that there is a distinction of async code and libraries and can lead to confusing compiler errors if you don't realize there is a distinction. It's simple in hindsight but did cause me to waste hours barking up the wrong trees at first. Other wise just learn about `match` and Result/Option types asap, they're fundamental.
https://github.com/http-rs/tide tide is great to create an http server / routes
https://github.com/djc/askama I use this to template out HTML and it checks all my boxes, dynamic data, passing in functions, control flow.
https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx sql interface for a variety of backend, async safe.
https://github.com/seanmonstar/reqwest http client to make requests
Rust is amazing, don't let the initial few speed bumps discourage you - building real things with rust is no more challenging today than any other modern language stack.
🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. (by launchbadge)
Rust allows me to mainly only run the application to confirm things work from a business perspective.
For people starting out building stuff in rust - understand that there is a distinction of async code and libraries and can lead to confusing compiler errors if you don't realize there is a distinction. It's simple in hindsight but did cause me to waste hours barking up the wrong trees at first. Other wise just learn about `match` and Result/Option types asap, they're fundamental.
https://github.com/http-rs/tide tide is great to create an http server / routes
https://github.com/djc/askama I use this to template out HTML and it checks all my boxes, dynamic data, passing in functions, control flow.
https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx sql interface for a variety of backend, async safe.
https://github.com/seanmonstar/reqwest http client to make requests
Rust is amazing, don't let the initial few speed bumps discourage you - building real things with rust is no more challenging today than any other modern language stack.
Rust allows me to mainly only run the application to confirm things work from a business perspective.
For people starting out building stuff in rust - understand that there is a distinction of async code and libraries and can lead to confusing compiler errors if you don't realize there is a distinction. It's simple in hindsight but did cause me to waste hours barking up the wrong trees at first. Other wise just learn about `match` and Result/Option types asap, they're fundamental.
https://github.com/http-rs/tide tide is great to create an http server / routes
https://github.com/djc/askama I use this to template out HTML and it checks all my boxes, dynamic data, passing in functions, control flow.
https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx sql interface for a variety of backend, async safe.
https://github.com/seanmonstar/reqwest http client to make requests
Rust is amazing, don't let the initial few speed bumps discourage you - building real things with rust is no more challenging today than any other modern language stack.
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