Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source.
https://ui.shadcn.com/ (Radix + Tailwind)
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
Have a look at Mantine UI. It has a huge no. of components, hooks, etc. It's fairly easy to setup & customize as well. If you are familiar with Material UI, this shouldn't be too hard to work with.
Been using PrimeReact with my latest project and I am really happy with the outcome. Lot's of components, well written documentation, and there's even this CSS library that comes with it called PrimeFlex
I recently discovered https://github.com/tremorlabs/tremor a components lib aimed at building dashboards, it’s impressive how fast you can build a complete product with it … I built the ui for a python tasks scheduler in a couple of days: https://github.com/lucafaggianelli/mario-pype
I recently discovered https://github.com/tremorlabs/tremor a components lib aimed at building dashboards, it’s impressive how fast you can build a complete product with it … I built the ui for a python tasks scheduler in a couple of days: https://github.com/lucafaggianelli/mario-pype
mantine UI is pretty easy and has lot of utility hooks.