The configuration uses Lazy.nvim for neovim-specific package management. As I don't like unicode-emojis, I configured its UI to use ASCII-strings instead.
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One dark and light colorscheme for neovim >= 0.5.0 written in lua based on Atom's One Dark and Light theme. Additionally, it comes with 5 color variant styles
It uses One-Light theme on Mac OS and Gruvbox otherwise. That's because I work on a Mac during the day and my personal machine runs GNU Guix System with XMonad which I have completely themed on Gruvbox.
It uses One-Light theme on Mac OS and Gruvbox otherwise. That's because I work on a Mac during the day and my personal machine runs GNU Guix System with XMonad which I have completely themed on Gruvbox.
hrsh7th's nvim-cmp is used for auto-completion, as recommended by neovim/nvim-lspconfig.
mhartington/formatter.nvim is used for automatic code formatting. Its configuration also shows how to use nvim_create_augroup and nvim_create_autocmd from Lua.
neovim/nvim-lspconfig is used for LSP configuration. In particular, lsp-zero.nvim is not needed. But in the configuration, the keybindings from both packages are linked and listed.
The fantastic nmac427/guess-indent.nvim package is used to automatically detect the indentation scheme when a file is opened.
nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim is loaded but I didn't bind it to any keys. Also, I'm not sure if I would really use it. To be honest, I don't like its UI. I would like it to better integrate and stick to the default Neovim-UI instead of creating some sort of modal. Personally, I'd first rather attempt to make :o more convenient; although, of course, Telescope has much more features than file navigation.
nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter is leveraged for better syntax highlighting.