An unofficial implementation of the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition game system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop
Foundry VTT has a steep learning curve but it has a good Javascript API and can be extended quite heavily. The community on Discord is large and super friendly: https://discord.gg/foundryvtt
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A web app for tabletop gaming to allow the game master to reveal areas of the game map to players, roll dice and take notes.
I've been using Dungeon Revealer [1] a self-hosted web app. It's a simple halfway point between a fancy VTT and a paper map. It's easy to use and allows you to upload any kind of image, which makes it a rudimentary presentation tool too.
1. https://github.com/dungeon-revealer/dungeon-revealer
I GM an online TTRPG, and I wanted to replicate the experience of the players drawing the map themselves as they go along. We use Roll20, but didn't find the tools particularly well suited to updating the map in the moment.
So, I had a go at making a little tool that lets you quickly make rough sketches of the map, as well letting you move tokens (for the characters) around. It's not particularly fancy, but it seems to work for us!
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Astral is shutting down, I hate roll20 and I don't want to pay for a VTT. Is there any other solution?
[OC] I made a Gaming Table for DMing D&D. It was a big hit with my group, so I'm posting it here.
Is there a vtt that is JUST tokens and maps?