Shatur/neovim-session-manager: A simple wrapper around :mksession.
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Take a peek at [awesome neovim #projectshttps://github.com/rockerBOO/awesome-neovim#project) and see if there is any there that are of interest to you.
Looks very simple I think I can do something based on ThePrimeagen's script that works for me, someone else also commented to tmuxp. It's probably better to look for solutions without having to do everything within neovim. Thanks
dotfiles for AwesomeWM, Neovim, Tmux, Starship, Rofi and many other tools i use (by edr3x)
Yeah, if you can manage your projects folder structure correctly then that script is game changer.
I use tmuxp for this with my projects set up like this and I use a script to open the ones I'm currently working on in a single tmux session.
GnikDroy/projections.nvim: A map to your filesystem (github.com)