I'm primarily frontend but work across the stack, this is my config: https://github.com/harrisoncramer/nvim/tree/main
Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale. InfluxDB Platform is powered by columnar analytics, optimized for cost-efficient storage, and built with open data standards.
The config: https://github.com/ddnomad/dotfiles/blob/main/dot_config/nvim/init.vim.tmpl
Here! I'm kind of new on Neovim (I come from emacs), I'm mostly FE dev, but sometimes I work with BE stuff here's my conf https://github.com/AlanMauricioC/dot-files/blob/main/.config/nvim/init.lua
pretty basic config, but messy - half of it is accumulated vim config from two decades.
dotfiles for AwesomeWM, Neovim, Tmux, Starship, Rofi and many other tools i use (by edr3x)
I mainly do backend stuffs, small amount of Frontend React and Flutter Sometimes. here is my config!
Here's my current lazy.nvim based one: https://github.com/hrmJ/vimconfig/tree/lazy. I also do across the stack, I guess the only TS/js-specific plugin in my setup is jose-elias-alvarez/typescript.nvim but of course all the lsp stuff is what makes it work. Something I only found out about lately are the json and yaml LSPs combined with schemastore - pretty nice when working with openapi documentation, package.json files etc
I work as fullstack dev for a startup. here is my config: https://github.com/arionrefat/dotfiles/tree/master/neovim
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
Backend Ruby developer here. Heres my dot files if you're interested: https://github.com/prdanelli/dotfiles/blob/main/nvim/lua/plugins/init.lua
Neovim custom configuration, oriented for full stack developers (Ruby on Rails, ruby, php, html, css, SCSS, javascript)
Full stack ruby on rails, here my conf nv-ide
I've been using lunarvim for over a year now so at this point what I have is heavily customized, but it works very well out of the box.
Always a WIP, and haven't really prepared it for sharing, but a setup that I've taken through a variety of different stacks: https://github.com/3ZsForInsomnia/dotfiles
[my setup](https://github.com/johnson2427/nvim)
This is my setup. I mostly develop in Python for work, but also develop a lot of .yaml and .sh for automation, docker, etc. A lot going on in this nvim setup. I took the base from neovim-from-scratch [here](https://github.com/LunarVim/Neovim-from-scratch) . And the make of LunarVim has some great videos to show you how to write out your neovim setup in Lua. If you're more of a WASM, Rust, JS guy, then ThePrimeagen might be a good place for you to go. I mixed and matched everything I have. Added copilot and chatGPT. You have to drive this thing though. And you really have to know what you're trying to write, otherwise those applications will take you down a deep dark path of trying to debug garbage code.
I am working as a web developer for more than 4 years now. My Neovim configurations are here: https://github.com/sobhanbera/dotfiles
A Neovim configuration optimized for React, Typescript, and TailwindCSS. Equipped with features including syntax highlighting, linting, formatting, and more.
here is mine
here's my somewhat biiiig (~170 plugins) Frontend config: https://github.com/joehannes-os/neovim-lua-config/tree/develop .. I use heirline for my bufferline/winbar/statusline ... which I switched to some time back and there's still room for improving the interactivity of all the lines/bars :-) Optimized for typescript/javascript/clojurescript/react ... Still missing to * switch to Mason for lsp, * configure DAP * configure testing Ultimately, I'm almost happy with my lua config, and as my next bigger step plan to switch to fennel ... Lately I switched to neovide from my terminal kitty/alacritty/tmux/nvim-setup and I quite like it. Currently my config or neovim seems to have some kind of bug/instability with scrolling, and is crashing often on scroll: in the terminal. Neovide isn't.
I'm deving React with Next.js, and here's my plugins: https://github.com/shirohana/config.nvim/blob/main/nvim/plugins.toml
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