I've just recently switched to Base 16 color schemes (dark mode) which was posted here a couple of weeks back. I found the author's choice of #222222 for the background just a bit too light for my taste and changed it to my customary #0c0c0c that I use for the background in my terminals and I like the theme very much.
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Highly recommend zenbones. Use it over a year. Besides relieving eye strain it also really helped me read and understand code better.
For this reason, I rely on the system to automatically toggle the entire system theme (including the terminal) between dark/light mode based on time of day and maintain a modified, minimal (16-color) version of vim's default colorscheme that works on both light and dark backgrounds (https://github.com/pbnj/pbnj.vim)
My suggestion is to use is from here because you can change the theme on the fly: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-shell
An opinionated bright, redshift-friendly, modular and vibrant theme for neovim that includes a colorscheme. It strives to be: simple, light, functional and familiar.
I use the dark version of this theme: https://github.com/NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme
Change to Hasklig font (https://github.com/i-tu/Hasklig)