A Kubernetes controller for automatically optimizing pod requests based on their continuous usage. VPA alternative that can work with HPA.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
A starter kit with some boilerplate code for getting started making low-cost serverless applications in Python on AWS with a great local development setup via Docker Compose
(just authored yesterday) A repository that is a starter-kit for folks to get into authoring REST APIs via AWS Lambda at very low-cost with Python and DynamoDB with my Chalice PynamoDB Docker Starter-Kit. This is something I've been playing with and using at various microservices and startups recently and figured I should open source something.
An new open-source Kubernetes controller, the Kubernetes Volume Autoscaler, which auto-resizes your Persistent Volumes when they get almost full
Some universal helm charts used for deploying services onto Kubernetes. All-in-one best-practices
A open-source set of Universal Helm Charts with tons of best-practices baked into it such as autoscaling, PDBs, labeling, and an standardized set of "universal" templates that allows you to pivot between templates easily (meaning, you can easily make a deployment into a Statefulset or a Cronjob). Yes, I need to add more documentation, I know. I'm busy :P
Helm Chart Boilerplates are examples of usage of the above Universal Helm Charts to help people understand how to use them more, a stop-gap until I add more documentation
Some sample configurations for EKSCTL.io to help understand how best to use it and increase adoption
EKSCTL example configurations that are real world useful examples of how to use EKSCTL and keep your configuration DRY with YAML Aliases. Just updated today with more examples, and tweaks based on recent experience.
dyrector.io is a self-hosted continuous delivery & deployment platform with version management.
dyrector.io is a self-hosted container management platform simplifying deployments in Docker & Kubernetes. Check it out at GitHub: https://github.com/dyrector-io/dyrectorio
Continue to build super flexible CICD framework - https://ci.sparrowhub.io , recently I’ve added self hosted deployment support that allows people to install the system on their infrastructure. Another interesting feature is gitea integration
Feature flag is a modern engineering technology that decouples code deployments from feature releases, giving you control over when and which end-users see which features. FeatBit provides a holistic framework for manage feature flags that enabling teams to use flags on a massive scale across various use cases, such as https://github.com/featbit/featbit
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