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Babashka is Clojure running natively. It uses a simplified version of the Clojure runtime compiled to native code. No JVMs involved at runtime.
This isn't usable yet, but in active development by the author, and looks promising: https://jank-lang.org/
This project contains a set of "hello world" projects to verify which Clojure libraries do actually compile and produce native images under GraalVM.
I invite you to try it. Put together a modest CLI that does SQLite, some network calls, and unzips files. ( https://github.com/djhaskin987/zinc ). Using native-image with any reasonable set of dependencies like this is *horrendous*. Just because you can doesn't mean it's tractable. I spent 10% of my time writing the tool and 90% of it trying to get it to compile. Absolutely the worst experience trying to get something to build in my life, and I'm a devops engineer. Building and shipping code is my thing.
Ya, I'm not going to disagree, it's not the nicest build pipeline.
That said, you can figure it out normally.
Using native dependencies will always be the hardest. I'd recommend first trying to use graalvm friendly libraries, and if not, libraries that are pure Java and don't have native dependencies.
For SQLite for example, you have to include the SQLite C driver, and that's where it gets a bit complicated.
See here for a demo build that includes SQLite: https://github.com/ericdallo/sqlite-graalvm-sample/tree/mast...
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